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Can I Do This?


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An animal rescue center wants to sell my candles; but need them to be animal themed in some way. I am making a new label for my products. Can I put a famous quote on my label (or on a hang tag) if I put the author also?

Ex: The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated. - Mahatma Gandhi

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And I hope you will correct that apostrophe! Needs to read "its" (possessive), not "it's" (a contraction of "it is"). Sorry, it may be trivial, but it drives me up a wall.

Same with "I should of said:; no, no, no!!! It is "I should have said". Not that you typed that, but it's another one that makes my stomach churn, lol

Ok, perhaps it's time for my enema? :laugh2::laugh2:

Edited by Ravens
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Thanks Raven...I usually notice those things; but lately I have been noticing my spelling and sentence structure is getting bad. I need to go back to elementary school I think. I am one of those people who cringe when people do not speak correctly. I do it to be funny sometimes; but it's (correct way this time..lol) like fingernails down a blackboard when I hear other people use it in everyday speech (and don't realize it is incorrect). And the people who are always "axing"...drive me nuts!

Where do I check copyright?

I have a couple designs but not completely pleased with them. I normally use clear labels; but am wondering if I should go white with these and have a light tinted background. I just purchased a cute cartoon image of a dog hugging a cat. I am going to ask them if they have a slogan.

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This collection of quotations is copyrighted as a whole, but of course individual quotations are not-- I got that off a site about gandhi quotations, so it sounds like if you use all the quotations as a whole they are copyrighted but if you just use individual ones its ok?? Hope this helps

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This collection of quotations is copyrighted as a whole, but of course individual quotations are not-- I got that off a site about gandhi quotations, so it sounds like if you use all the quotations as a whole they are copyrighted but if you just use individual ones its ok?? Hope this helps

Well that is interesting. Thanks.

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The way I understand it, you don't have to worry about short quotes. Gandhi was a prolific writer and an attorney whose works were written in English, Hindi and Gujaratu (sp). The writings he published after 1923 were not public domain (perhaps they are now? Have no idea...).

If what you'd like to use was not written in English, then I think it's safe to use. I really don't believe the person who originally translated it would come after you, lol

I say go for it and don't stress over it :-)

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