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Shelf Life of Fragrance Oils


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I received several bottles of FO in a giveaway on Facebook recently. Most of them are Christmas fragrances and I don't plan to use them until next fall at least. Will they store well if tightly capped and kept in the dark? A couple of the fragrances are not my type at all and I may put them up for someone who would want them, but not sure yet.


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Kept in a cool dark place should help them. Keep in mind though that they can go south(bad) in less than a year. I'm dealing with a slew of them that aren't a year old yet that have lost their whiff and while it's been a week of disappointments, at least I know not to reorder them. On the flip side I have another bottle that's 15 years old or so and it's just fine. Too bad most of them aren't like that one bottle.

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I have several that are more that 5 yrs old and still going strong! With all the hundreds of oils that I have bought over the years I'd say only about 2 have gone bad for me. And those two went bad in less than a year. But my experience with oils indicates that most will last a lot longer than a year. I store mine in their original containers, plastic or glass, clear or amber colored, on shelfs out of direct sunlight.

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