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How many scents do you carry?


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I was reading a thread and a lot of people were discussing how many scents they carry so I thought it would be interesting to see how many scents we all carry and how you think it affects sales and whatnot.

Personally I found that too many scents confuses people but selection is key with me. I like the idea of having a lot and offering a few so I have around 35 I keep as a core selection and always have in a "scent kit" I then rotate seasonal scents, around 15-30 so I have no more than 65 at any given time.

I generally also introduce 1-5 new fragrances each major season (spring, summer, fall, winter) in a floral, fruity, bakery, earthy rotation. Any spectacular sellers bump the lowest seller in the core.

Here is a great video from TED 2005 about the paradox of choice.

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I have 100 year round scents and "seasonals" depend on what I find that is interesting enough to promote. I am always rotating these out.

Understand, I have things in 5 states and in a couple of those, up to 10 stores in areas that range from country store owned by grandma, to upscale salons.

That's why I carry so many. Not all 100 are in any one given place except with me, at craft shows.

I do have a library of almost 400 that I have tested, and luckily I've only had to say absolutely no to about 30 of those. That doesn't mean I have them laying around, nor that I have the oil on hand. It just means if someone requests it, I can get it usually in a hurry with no problems worrying will it work or not because I already know.

Another thing, I make very large amounts of wax dipped items and I use these to "use up " a lot of oils I get to test, but dont want to make into melts. I will make up 30 to 50 tps at a time, and probably use 20 different scents in those.

I couldn't move the bears for anything, and the TPs were slowish, until I started making them with very unique, not your usual and hard to find FOs. I was just lucky, it worked for me ( knocks on wood)

Edited by blacktieaffair
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Right now, I have 45 scents for candles, but that will soon change and we move into January. The Christmas scents will be moved out and new scents will move in to replace them. I have 40 scents that I carry for B&B and soap products, and probably won't change till Spring.

I try to carry some different or unique scents, things others don't carry but still have some traditional scents for customers.

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I'm not selling to the public yet....only neighbors/friends and free to family. Have tested successfully 18 ready to go in all wax types including palm pillars except rustic pillars. Working on those now. Would like to carry 30 year round with additional 8-10 added for higher selling seasons....spring, fall, Christmas. Had hoped to be ready by this Christmas but that isn't going to happen. Looking at spring for opening now. The plan is to roll it all out at once including soaps.

Also working on a new container blend that I might switch to down the road depending if I can get burn perfected. ST is awesome.

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That's a good idea Candy.

While it IS a good idea...don't get caught in that trap. I've told a few people the same thing over the years. You test and then give them a small candle to test to see if it's what they want. They burn the free candle and then...you never get an order in that scent from them. I'm not saying all people will do this but chances are you will get a few...more so at craft shows. They will give you their info to get in touch and then you call, leave a message and they never call back. I had a guy that loved a certain vanilla fragrance, he called and ordered 10 candles. Picked them up at a craft show (local for both of us) and said after burning those he would want more. I invited him to my Christmas Open House held a few months later...he didn't come. I saw him at the craft show the following year and he said they were moving out of state and he didn't want more "to pack". People are very fickle and once your name leaves their memory bank...well you know how that can be. lol

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Ive eliminated that by 1. already having tested SO many scents, IF they pick one I haven't tested.... I do what CandyinVA said, I get payment upfront, and I always make them well aware, and it is written out on the receipt that this is an order for a scent I have not tested before in my particular wax, and I am not responsible for whether it works in my wax or not due to needing it immediately and me not having time to test it.

That right there has cut down on a LOT of bs from people who do what you were saying in the above post.

Just like tons of everything that is sold everywhere, buyer beware. I do my absolute best but I can not be held responsible for them wanting something I have not tested before.

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