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Blood Red color/dye ?

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I just received an order for one of my TPs, and they want it "goth". Black TP with red "blood" swirls dripped on it ( similar to the picture below but in black with red ).

I usually get my liquids dyes out of Alabaster but I was wondering if anyone has had to do a REALLY red candle before, and if so, did you use liquids, pigs, flakes, blocks, etc? I really dont want to have to buy more dye but will if I have to ( its for BF's daughter so I gotta make him happy lol )


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hmmm Thanks Sliver, I might try to get some from there. I just love the ease of liquids. I guess one of the reasons I went with Alabaster years ago ,( now Community Candle I think it is ) , is they had so many different shades and for me at the time, just starting out, it was easier to get one of their sampler packs with tons of different colors in it, til I figured out how to work the dyes. Thanks for the suggestion! I usually try to stick with what has worked for me, but at the same time, Im open to new suggestions if it can improve things!

Thanks Again !

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For me, I have found that if I want a really true dark red, it helps to add black and a touch! of yellow or orange. the yellow or orange takes the pink hue out of it and you get a truer red. Don't add too much, though, or you just get dark orange. I test mine on a piece of white plastic before I pour.

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ok... my two cents, just to confuse things further ;) I think you need to go for a "kick ass" fresh blood red, rather than a deep red, because it'll show up better against the black wax. If the blood colour is too "dark", I think you might loose some of the effect- it won't stand out as much.

The red dyes (from a supplier here), both liquid & blocks, make a "flat" red, so I make my own... it has more "zing". If I want it a little darker, I add a TINY bit of blue!

Anyway, Good Luck... sounds cool =)

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both liquid & blocks, make a "flat" red, so I make my own... it has more "zing". If I want it a little darker, I add a TINY bit of blue!


Thats kinda what's going on here. These just aren't quite right for what I want. I have three versions of red, one has too much blue, too much orange or just .. weird !

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wierd & frustrating! Umm... what about trying one or two of them with a "canary" yellow ? Over he have a choice of a "sunflower" yellow too, but that's very "orange" to start with. Canary is kinda more "citrus". Anyway, whatever you do, write it down. Gets SO confusing when you're adding this & that, would be a shame to hit exactly what you want & then not remember. I have done that & kicked myself ;)

Only other thing I can think of is to add in a chip/ small drop of fluro dye, if you have some lying round? I have some here to test, but haven't tried anything yet. There's red, pink, yellow & orange that might do the trick? I am wary of these because you can only use a tiny amount before it can cause trouble, but that might be all you need & who knows? Could end up super fantastic?!

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I made a batch of Dragon's Blood last night. I used about 9 drops of red (Peak) and 3 drops of black. I think it's too burgandy as someone mentioned. Next time I'm going to try brown. The picture actually brightens up the color because of the flash. (1274 IGI, 3T steric, poured at 148).


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I made a batch of Dragon's Blood last night. I used about 9 drops of red (Peak) and 3 drops of black. I think it's too burgandy as someone mentioned. Next time I'm going to try brown. The picture actually brightens up the color because of the flash. (1274 IGI, 3T steric, poured at 148).


Nice candle and I really like the color - since no one knows what color a dragon's blood would be - almost any color is doable for that scent.

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I made a batch of Dragon's Blood last night. I used about 9 drops of red (Peak) and 3 drops of black. I think it's too burgandy as someone mentioned. Next time I'm going to try brown. The picture actually brightens up the color because of the flash. (1274 IGI, 3T steric, poured at 148).


Wow...that is a pretty color. I jotted down the color drops to try to duplicate it. I'm thinking Sugared Plum in this color.

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Oooo good idea Jeanie !

Have that FO in the cabinet winking at me...perfect timing. Ordered the dyes, a few other things but probably won't be here until mid next week. Guess that gives me more time to work on this rustic technique that sure doesn't look like the others I see in the gallery.

Ready to move on over to candles yet? :tiptoe:

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If you try to duplicate, use a little less black. I'll take another picture when the sun comes up so you can see the difference without the flash. I really want my Dragon's Blood to look like blood. :) Of course dragons have black blood but not many people know that. ;-)

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If you try to duplicate, use a little less black. I'll take another picture when the sun comes up so you can see the difference without the flash. I really want my Dragon's Blood to look like blood. :) Of course dragons have black blood but not many people know that. ;-)

OK...Thanks......I'll use a 1 drop and see how it looks or go up to 2.

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