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New business


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Hi all:

So I recently just started making candles with a friend and we are having a lot of fun right now. We started to discuss future plans/ideas about possibly starting a business. I know that we have a lot of testing still to do and a long road ahead of us. Since I have never owned a business I have many questions as you can imagine.

I am looking for some advice about where to start which would include the LAWS, insurance, websites, marketing, ect...

Any advice for us would be helpful just so we have an idea of what may be ahead of us if we decide to proceed with this.

Thank you for all your help, Craftserver has been so helpful for us!

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Keep in mind that laws and requirements vary by state, and sometimes city/county. Make sure you are in compliance with local ordinances. Different states can have very different laws! Agree with Stella that a good attorney/accountant would be beneficial when considering starting any business.

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Just to touch a little deeper on the "city and county and state laws vary " , if you are considering starting and / or maintaining your business from your home, make sure you are not breaking any zoning or ordinance laws. I've seen four friends have to give up their business ( different types ) because they failed to check into that. A lot of cities and states consider what we do more of a manufacturing endeavor, so there are times, they aren't so "sweet" about things LOL.

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Along with the local zoning and business ordinances, some insurance companies will not cover a home if candles are being made within, so not only do you have to maintain product liability insurance (in case your candle burns a customer's house down), and general business liability (in case a customer trips over their feet at your booth at a craft show), you need to make SURE that your personal home insurance will cover damage to your home due to commercial candlemaking activity. If customers come to your home to pick up candles and slip and fall on your steps, your homeowner's liability may not cover this because you were engaged in commerce, so CHECK to be sure.

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Also check out the SBA "Small Business Administration" website for help in getting your biz started. You can find local SBA affilitate sites in your area. Check them out as many hold business classes that are cheap and will help with your questions. You can also make an appointment to talk to a SBA rep at a local affiliate. I did and was glad I went there first. I also took some SBA biz classes that were very helpful.

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