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Just poured my first soap!


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Hi! I have been making candles for over 2 years, but never dreamed about making soap. That is until I got this bright idea for a devotional I'm doing at our church Christmas party. I needed some Hyssop soap, and didn't want to pay 5 or 6 dollars a bar.

So I did some research, looked on this forum, did some more research, bought some melt and pour goat's milk base off ebay, bought an ounce of dried hyssop, realized I had a bunch of candle fragrance oils that are also skin safe (!), and I was on my way.

Then I started looking for molds, and lastly, today I bought some alcohol and a spray bottle.

I used 1/4 ounce of Cool Citrus Basil oil and 1 teaspoon of hyssop in 1 pound of soap. I think it smells just right, thank goodness!!

I'm using the soap to go with the verse, "Purge me with hyssop" in Psalms. Now I have to make some labels with the verse on them, and wrap the soap somehow. Maybe I should have just paid the 5 or 6 bucks a piece for the ready made stuff. :smiley2:

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Thanks for the reply Kitn. Yes, I decided I'd just use saran wrap, and I just got finished making a page of labels with the verse. I was all excited about how good the soap looked and smelled....until I couldn't "pop" the soap out of the molds. But I just read somewhere to wait 12 hours before trying to release the soap. Other instructions said 30 minutes to an hour. Guess I'll try again in the morning.

I didn't use any non-stick spray or anything. Maybe I should have??

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Yay!! The soap came loose from the molds! Ok, now I want to make more kinds. Oh dear, here I go again. You ought to see how many bottle of fragrance oils I have from my candle making endeavors. I need to build a room onto my house for all my craft stuff!

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I agree soapmaking is very addicting..Yay to making your 1st soap. its amazing the things we can create, Usually I allow m&p to harden and cool down a couple of hours- and for cp/hp soap wait 24 hours- if they aren't popping out easily from molds, place in the freezer about 20 minutes-remove , then leave them on the counter a few minutes at room temperature and the condensation will allow them to pop right out:) wipe them gently to remove any condensation..Good Luck

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I love the idea of a Bible verse on the label! Just a heads up, I think soap making is more addictive than candle making lol

Oh No!!

I was also inspired to start making jewelry back in the summer, then this hyssop soap idea hit me, so now I have three crafts going at once. How many addictions can one person have, I wonder?

I just placed my first order yesterday with Wholesale Supplies Plus. I finally figured out that must be what WSP meant, after I found that supplier. Now I want to buy some dried lemongrass and make some soap for Christmas presents. So here we go again!

(Not related at all to this forum, but I think the crocheted ladder yarn pendants have been the most successful money wise....but I'm perpetually in the hole as far as my outgo and income is concerned. That's why it's called an addiction I guess. I keep having to buy more pendants and more colors of yarn!)

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(Not related at all to this forum, but I think the crocheted ladder yarn pendants have been the most successful money wise....but I'm perpetually in the hole as far as my outgo and income is concerned. That's why it's called an addiction I guess. I keep having to buy more pendants and more colors of yarn!)

Put a pic on the craft forum!

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I agree soapmaking is very addicting..Yay to making your 1st soap. its amazing the things we can create, Usually I allow m&p to harden and cool down a couple of hours- and for cp/hp soap wait 24 hours- if they aren't popping out easily from molds, place in the freezer about 20 minutes-remove , then leave them on the counter a few minutes at room temperature and the condensation will allow them to pop right out:) wipe them gently to remove any condensation..Good Luck

Thanks for the advice. I think I got in too big of a hurry the first time. The second batch came out much more easily. I used a silicone cupcake mold I found at the Goodwill, and those bars really came right out! The only thing different is the bottoms weren't shiny like the bars that came from the plastic mold I bought at Hobby Lobby. I liked the shiny look.

I have 14 bars wrapped and labeled with the scripture and ready for my Christmas Party. They're in a bag, and boy that bag smells wonderful!

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