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Wicks?? Need Help!!

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I am using a zinc core wick in soy wax and I am having trouble with the wick turning to ash after burning awhile, then I can't relight the wick and the wax is not burning down and collects on the sides of jars. I have tested using lots of other wicks and I have not had any success with any other wicks in soy except zinc core. I am wondering since I never had this problem with paraffin wax if it is happening because I am using more fragrance oil because of the soy wax. I am using much more fragrance oil compared to what I used in paraffin wax, because my soy candles just do not smell as strong as the paraffin did. Has anyone else had this issue?

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That problem of "ashy" wicks has been discussed in the past. Try the search feature. Also, since you're using soy, you may want to post in the Vegetable waxes forum.

I'm going to see if I can find that link about the problem wicks. Oh, and please let us know which soy you're using, where you bought your supplies, etc. etc. The more info you provide, the better others can help. :-)

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  • 1 year later...

Zinc wicks are best for paraffin, for soy try CDNs, ECOs, or HTPs. Soy wax does not have the same degree of ht that paraffin does, but thats not to say you cant make a great throwing candle from it. For soy, it's best to stay in the 8-10% range for fo's or you'll run into wicking and seepage issues. Be sure to cure the candles a good week before testing for optimum throw. hth

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I have tried other wicks, but keep coming back to the zinc. Nothing else seems to stay stable in the soy wax for me. So are the wicks turning to ash on the tips because of too much FO? And what are the seepage issues you are referring to? Thank you so much for your reply.

Have you asked your supplier about wicking your wax? Most suppliers have done a lot of testing and should be able to guide you on all aspects of candle making, because it's to their advantage for you to be successful at it and keep coming back for more supplies.

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Yes, and my experience has been that they are not much help. Most of the time they just suggest another wick. I have tried them all. I am beginning to think it only happens with certain FO's. I am going to try and get all my FO's from the same candle company and see if that makes a difference. The ones I am having the most issues with I am not going to order from those companies again. My preferred company, Candlewic suggested RRD-47 nst for 3" to 4" containers, I am going to try those. Thanks so much!

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Seepage is when you use too much fo and the wax is unable to hold it. I havent tried Candlewic but they get great reviews on here. Candlescience has a rating system for their oils in soy...Ive done well with them. You havent mentioned the type of soy you use so its difficult to recommend a wick but CDNs do well in most soy, hth.

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