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Only Fragrance.net is Closing

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Today I received a e-mail from Only Fragrance stating they sold the company and will no longer be selling in the US. I just placed a large order with them and I'm hoping I get it. I will be emailing them today but according to the email they will be selling the rest of their stock on Ebay. The new company will supply oils to a Hispanic Client base exclusively to Puerto Rico.

This stinks! I have customers who love the Coconut Beach and now the hunt to replace begins!

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There's a thread going about this in the Fragrance forum... it has inconvenienced many customers. The guy sold out to someone else, but will still be selling on eBay or something supposedly... Some business owners get in over their heads, or have personal issues which force them to sell or close but others just buy & sell businesses for profit. This causes a lot of hardship for the people who based their lines on the particular products the supplier offered. I hope that new folks (and everyone!) will be cautious about putting all their eggs in one basket...

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I am sure many will disagree with this but I have for years avoided "most" small time suppliers for this very reason. I sell for a living, basing my income solely on my candle gig and if I suddenly can not get my top selling scents, frankly I am up a creek! I put almost all my eggs in one basket but from time to time I do buy something from someone smaller because I just can't avoid it. One of those baskets recently closed (KY) and although they sold to another supplier I spent several months not being able to get my number one selling soap scent. It was frustrating to say the least.

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I am sure many will disagree with this but I have for years avoided "most" small time suppliers for this very reason. I sell for a living, basing my income solely on my candle gig and if I suddenly can not get my top selling scents, frankly I am up a creek! I put almost all my eggs in one basket but from time to time I do buy something from someone smaller because I just can't avoid it. One of those baskets recently closed (KY) and although they sold to another supplier I spent several months not being able to get my number one selling soap scent. It was frustrating to say the least.

You say that your income is based solely on your candle gig, I thought you worked for BC?

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I'm delighted that you still find time to post, Flicker, particularly at such a busy time of year for those in the candle business. Your insights are valuable and I'm glad you do not hold your "secrets" so close to your chest that people have trouble learning from you. Sharing our collective knowledge uplifts us all. :-)

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I'm delighted that you still find time to post, Flicker, particularly at such a busy time of year for those in the candle business. Your insights are valuable and I'm glad you do not hold your "secrets" so close to your chest that people have trouble learning from you. Sharing our collective knowledge uplifts us all. :-)

Awww thanks Stella! I am online all day so between customers I surf the boards when possible. I learn a lot on the boards too. Being totally honest, I do almost 100% wholesale so my season is pretty well done. I have about twenty orders to scoot out the door this coming week and the rest of this week and I am done until January! I need it! LOL

Hope everyone has had awesome sales this year and have time to relax soon! I don't miss retail this time of year AT ALL! ;)

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