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help with bases, modifiers and fragrences


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Oh Stella... If you're like me, you're going to have smoke pouring out of your brain from all the info overload I've found at swifty's blog. LOL The ebooks she sells are also FAB!!!!!

When I said I didn't have issues with the modifier, I meant with my sprays separating... I might have to dig some of my older ones out just to make sure.. I have been doing B&B for almost 3 years (still don't sell yet.. not quite confident), so I know I've got some that have to be over a year old. LOL I have so many different things stashed in the back of my cabinets I could probably get away with never buying a single bottle of lotion or other things for a year!

Kristina you're doing the right thing by asking questions and researching before doing anything. But I agree that you are spreading yourself too thin with trying to figure out so many different products at once. That leads to brain leakage. LOL Trust me, I know this! It's what I did when I first started out.. oh goodness.. what a waste of time and money that was until I figured out I needed to concentrate on one thing at a time. (Although I still do it! ha) Well, I shouldn't say waste, I learned alot of what not to do's!! My first experiments with whipped butters were a MESS!! I wound up with rock hard, mushy, crisco like and every other blob you can think of until I finally found one I like and my guinea pigs liked too. Just took alot of time and patience! So deep breath, relax, ask questions and take it slowly and you'll do great!!!

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I appreciate everyone's help. I came to this site from a very all natural organic forum. While I prefer tostay away from as many chemicals as possible I also realize reality. but the amount of chemical information that hit me here was overwhelming. going from " use ROE, GSE, and Vit E" to everything that's here, Whoa! trying to find my balance between the two? And I can't find a goats milk soap base available anywhere:(


PS I'm full time at home so I have loads of time to mess around...until the doctor hacks my back aftr Christmas.

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I think there are smoke puffs floating around the US after that link was posted. Awesome site.....SE WI got plummeted with smoke poofs and I've just begun over there.

Glad to have been able to enable you :) susan is very generous with her time and knowldge.

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thanks Stella. Brambleberry is out of stock until further notice:) (I always love that phrase) I stmbled across organic creations on page umpteen lastnight. They sell a paste that looks like you can make any of the products with that might be cool to try and include full directions. When payday comes through I'll let you know howit goes.


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