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My first candles and tarts!!!! :)

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I think you were very polite! I can't thank everyone enough for taking the time to teach each us. Would the 12.25 status jar be better for soy waxes since its taller then wider? I'm having a rough time trying to wick it with paraffin. Getting close!

Clueless DollarTree has great jars for $1.00 (love this store everything is actually $1.00) Sorry for hijacking your thread!

You are at the right place clueless :). You'll get lots of help here all for the searching and asking:) I pointed out your choice of jar only trying to be helpful and to save you from lots of testing grief. Sorry if it didn't come across that way.
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I think you were very polite! I can't thank everyone enough for taking the time to teach each us. Would the 12.25 status jar be better for soy waxes since its taller then wider? I'm having a rough time trying to wick it with paraffin. Getting close!

Clueless DollarTree has great jars for $1.00 (love this store everything is actually $1.00) Sorry for hijacking your thread!

ChandlerWicks, how about starting a new post with your difficulties in wicking the status. I know that several people here use these jars. If you do post, give all the specifics. :)

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Oh, my new friends...just wait. I have left my home after a thorough hot shower/shampoo and arrived at events to have people walk up and say "you smell yummy" or "you smell like pumpkin pie spice, etc"...it permeates everything in your home when you get going...



I've been hearing that every time I pull up to the drive through window... or it could be the Nag Champa spray I made to keep in the car. ;)

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Oh, my new friends...just wait. I have left my home after a thorough hot shower/shampoo and arrived at events to have people walk up and say "you smell yummy" or "you smell like pumpkin pie spice, etc"...it permeates everything in your home when you get going...



I have to say, that's one of my favorite things about making the candles. My house smells so good! You can't even tell we have 2 dogs, 3 cats, a bunny and a turtle, haha! I can smell it in the car when going somewhere, and I'm guessing it's me! I have a set of drawers right by my desk that I store a lot of my supplies in, as well as tarts and tealights. Man, oh man, do I love sitting at my desk. It smells soooooo good!

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I know every time I go somewhere after making candles, have someone tell me how good I smell...my latest was maple walnut fudge, I had gotten it on a check and went to the bank and the man at the counter said "I don't mean to sound forthcoming ma'am but you smell so sweet. I told him I had been making candles and got some fragrance on the check. He ordered a candle right there. We are walking advertisements...LOL

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Those look very nice. I like the shape of your tarts. Fruit Loops, I haven't tried that one. Is it a good fo?

Definitely a good FO. A must try!! Smells just like the real cereal. No has any trouble figuring out what that smell is. I had company last night and as soon as they came inside, they said , Hey, I smell fruit loops..it smells so good in here!!!

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Oh, my new friends...just wait. I have left my home after a thorough hot shower/shampoo and arrived at events to have people walk up and say "you smell yummy" or "you smell like pumpkin pie spice, etc"...it permeates everything in your home when you get going...



I must say I'm totally down with that!!! As long as its the pretty or tasty smells!! But wow, for it to smell after hot showers and shampoo thats some strong scents!!! But that is awesome.

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I know every time I go somewhere after making candles, have someone tell me how good I smell...my latest was maple walnut fudge, I had gotten it on a check and went to the bank and the man at the counter said "I don't mean to sound forthcoming ma'am but you smell so sweet. I told him I had been making candles and got some fragrance on the check. He ordered a candle right there. We are walking advertisements...LOL

Haha!!! I love it!!! That is something else. Said you smelled sweet and bought a candle. How about that!! Maybe you can run into more like him.

We are walking smelly good ads lol :)

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