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Cupcakes-- need advice .. Calling all opinions :)


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So .. I made my first set of cupcakes ( got the silicon molds in a lot of 8-10 for the bottom part mold from A C Moore).

My brother is a Stage 4 Cancer survivor of over 5 years. Down in Cocoa Beach Florida where my brother teaches , they are huge into the Relay For Life.. All are on the committee and basically run the thing each year. They want me to do a fundraiser for them. No problems.. The Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr school colors are red and blue .

Ive never done cupcakes before. The top is me waiting for the wax to cool and doing it myself.. ( NO LAUGHING) LOL

I kinda went a little crazy ( on accident) with the red sprinkles. It kinda just POURED out..

What do you guys think?? HONESTLY?? Should I throw in the towel and get a REAL CUPCAKE MOLD ? I really enjoyed doing the top myself even though it's not perfect .

Less glitter?? More frosting on top? Should I drizzle something over it like a clear container wax ? Should I maybe do the top right and drizzle blue over it? I only made 2 like this. Wondering if I should make one or two with white tops and drizzle blue to see.

This is scented " Cake" from CS.. Waiting on my " Cupcake" fo to come in.

Here it is...


Edited by dcroome2005
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Is that real cupcake sprinkles or candle glitter? I've made food candles for years now, and I can tell you that with all the testing I do, I've had some with real sprinkles that have caught fire. Now that's just my experience, but I would never use real food toppings or non candle glitter on a candle because of it. I'd light one of those up and test for that first.:tiptoe: Some people love the glitter, others don't. Other than that, I think they look great.

Edited by Bernadette
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Hey Bernadette.. Its real sprinkles and that is why I am going to watch it closely. I did it more just to see the look of it. I am waiting on my order of " candle glitter" to come in. I won't sell them or give them away with real food sprinkles on them. Thanks for letting me know though incase I did stick to it-- would not have been a good thing. Much appreciated

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I'm glad to hear you won't be using the "real thing". I never sell candles with real food in/on them, but I have a friend that bought 5 cupcake candles about eight months ago that had real sprinkles on them. She didn't want to burn them because she was afraid she couldn't get anymore. Then I told her I made them so she decided to burn them, on the plate, on her kitchen counter when she was having a family party. As soon as she got a big enough meltpool and the sprinkles were in it, one of the kids started shouting, "Aunt Kathy! Your counter's on fire!". Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at the cupcakes. The tops were totally on fire, and since they were all on the same plate, it looked really bad plus I guess they had quite a time putting it out. She's real glad I make them with candle glitter instead...buys them by the dozen! Now that's the kind of "just like the real thing" that I like!:wink2:

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Ya.. that is really scary. I'm actually test burning mine with the " real " stuff and nothing comes near to thinking it would catch fire but I sure wouldnt trust it in someone else's house. Im just burning it for testing purposes for wicking.

They came back and want white glitter on top which is fine. Since they are the ones calling the shots, I will let them pick out the horrible colors. Even though Red White and Blue are awesome together for the USA , on a cupcake- not so much.. but I get a free booth with a tent down there for a two day event in April and get to do a bunch of presales so I sure wont complain about what colors they want :)

Do you sell them by the dozen or baker's dozen Bernadette?? HEHEHE :)

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I would scale back a little on the glitter. it looks like a little too much to me.

I always thought that food was ok to use... I have always been wanting to put sprinkles in my bday cake, or sprinkle cinnamon on my cinnamon candles...

Maybe I should invest in candle safe glitter...


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I would scale back a little on the glitter. it looks like a little too much to me.

I always thought that food was ok to use... I have always been wanting to put sprinkles in my bday cake, or sprinkle cinnamon on my cinnamon candles...

Maybe I should invest in candle safe glitter...


Dont know about sprinkles, but Ive used cinnamon with no problem.

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