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Another Idea


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Ok, so I watched a Youtube vid where someone took a slab mold and placed pieces of plastic to divide the mold into triangle shapes and poured two contrasting colors in each divided area and then swirled in a circle. So I took my Kelsei and put the dividers in and then cut up fun foam into 18 (I have a 9 bar mold) equal dividers, pulled off the paper and stuck two together to make good solid dividers. I placed each divider diagonally in each bar and hopefully will pour a batch tonight. Will post pics.


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ok, here is what I plan to do. Half my base will be uncolored (maybe some TD to whiten some more) and fragranced with mac apple. Mix up three different blends with the other half (like red with peppermint fo) and maybe use a vanilla based scent to discolor tan or brown against the white. Fall color combinations and have multiple soap combinations from one batch. I'm thinking that I could do Alabama and Auburn imbeds too. I promise to post some pics. Wish me luck.


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Well, I just have to post this while it's fresh on my mind. I used a good slow recipe and mixed half with lady apple fo and no color, the other half of the batch I split into thirds and mixed TKB school days orange with ginger souffle, tkb tomato red with peppermint and pumpkin creme brulee with no color. I used a very thin trace and then it got crazy. You have to pour fast, pull out the fun foam and then do the round swirl before the stuff has a chance to get thick. I should have swirled the pumpkin first (I wanted a brown with the white) but swirled it last and it kinda looks like a pile of poop in the middle of the bar. The other two are not so bad and the crazy foam needed to be a tighter fit but it was ok. They smell so good! You get the whiff of apple (flickers) and then the other comes through (AH/RE) I sure hope they turn out ok. What fun!


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The foam held up just fine but some of them floated upwards. I really wanted that plastic board stuff for dividers but couldn't find it. Its a hassle but I like treating each bar like an individual work that can be manipulated any way you want. It kinda got my creative side thinking outside the box. The dividers provided just enough resistance to keep the soap colors somewhat separated for the swirl. It is a lot of work though.

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I really wanted that plastic board stuff for dividers but couldn't find it

Steve, I'm not sure which kind you're talking about - one kind (smooth both sides) is called flamcore and can be found at office supply places or craft stores. Another kind is corrugated plastic (kinda wavy like cardboard, both sides). It can also be found at office supply or craft places, but if your community is anything like mine, there are signs made with it all over the place - on telephone poles, etc. Many are abandoned signs that the world would not miss, so help yourself! Wouldn't want the ink parts to be part of the setup, but the uninked parts could be cut to fit. HTH

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That's exactly what I wanted! Yeah and it's election time too. I knew there was a better use for those blights on the environment. The corrugated plastic should make a tighter fit and would be easy to cut and fit. Thanks Stella. Has anyone seen the youtube where they broke off the ends of wooden skewers and taped them at intervals between a paper holder to make swirl patterns down and across the slab? Really cool and looks like it would be easy to make.


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I have an e-mail to her about the liners. They can't be silicone because they are too cheap ($8.10). Well yeah, if that turned out to be a pretty good mold, I'd tempt you with it but I know what you want for Christmas. I can see that it has a hinged front panel and it has rubber feet, looks solid and I like the two for price of one thing but you never know. My Kelsei won't last much longer because it is splitting around one of the screws; so I got to do something and I'm tired of soap sticking to the mold.

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Bites! I don't use the inserts on my slab molds because the mistys sort of require lining, but I would love to use the inserts (and do on the big boy). I love the way those inserts pull the designs downward.

Also though with that mold you're showing, it would be sweet to have lots of multiple combos in a mold (that's why I love the soaphutch lol!) ... and you knew I'd plug that lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doesn't our "dear friend" Paul (aka Soapmaker Man) make the molds for Diana? TOG molds?

And in the double mold pic it sure looks like funky foam. You can buy and cut it quite easily. It's at craft stores by the paper and stuff. Not the easiest material to soap with, though.

Edited by CareBear
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