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140 from China?

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I just poured a test of the China wax 140. So far ......bad. Anyone else using this? I was told that many people have switched from their regular mottling wax to this....because of the $27.12 a case saving....for me. It stuck in the mold. Using stearic and FO. Like my usual formula. It doesn't even looke like a rustic. It just STUCK. Ok...then I crackled it. That worked and now it is shiny. Waiting for tonight to test burn....but I am thinking it won't work (smile).....no cheap thrills. I don't even care about the mottling at the moment....but it sure didn't mottle because of all of the "frost" over the entire candle.


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I know what you mean Pam. I was just checking to see if I could save some money......but that isn't usually the case (smile) I love my 4045. I was looking at a dollar store candle made in Vietnam candle next to the computer just now and it has a weird kind of look. Cheap wax. I just bought them because I hadn't ordered wax and needed some candles to burn.....and they don't burn well either. I could probably add some "stuff" to it so it doesn't stick....but that isn't what I care about. I want a top quality product.


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