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Disk space and bandwidth


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How adequate is 300GB disk space and 50GB of bandwidth with a web host program for a general soap and candle website? I'm not so concerned about the disk space, but the bandwidth concerns me a little. Not sure if this is good enough.

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There is the obligatory "that depends" but to try to be helpfull: For the average candle and soap website that does not have its own ordering system, no forum, and does not capture and store customer information, that should be enough. With the previous restrictions the bulk of the disk space will be product images.

The bandwith in the above case is mainly going to be the images people view. So the deciding factors are how many images on the site, how many people visiting per month, and how many pages each person looks at on the site -- very hard to predict.

Edited by rjwhite6
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300GB is overkill. You won't fill that any time while you are alive. The bandwidth is what you want to watch. 50GB should also be overkill for a basic sales website with email and merchant capability. If you start uploading a lot of high end graphics with a lot of videos, then that's a different story, but I can't comprehend a bandwidth issue for what you are contemplating.

If for some reason, you go global, make sure the host can upgrade your package. Changing to another host is not that tough, but it will disrupt the site for a few days while everything propagates and it may cost a few bucks for a pro to make it happen smoothly for you.

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