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Cost Justification...???


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I am not going to slam any company by name, as this isn't really a slam but a genuine curiosity.

There is a company that sells FOs and have some dupes that others do not have. However, their lb. price is between $36-$44 !! There are 2 FOs I would love to have in my line and that is BBW Island Margarita and Peach Bellini (no one else carries these two) I have personally tried this company's Vanilla Noir and OOB it smells AMAZING even though it was over $8 for 2 oz., but as soon as it hit my skin, it smelled like pepper and vanilla so I never used it.

I am just wondering if anyone can expect to make any money with the rising cost of wax and buying oils from them. Or are they really worth it and I just don't get it! I guess what I am asking is why are their oils almost double than other companies?

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To be fair, I thought maybe it was because I was just looking at those - as they are new scents. But I looked a varying non-dupe scents and they ranged from 27-48 per lb. I can't make a profit on that!

If it is a REALLY good scent, i will pay up to $25 but I am very selective what I will offer it in so that I can get a decent margin out of it.

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Shipping is included in the price but I think that their prices went up? Their FO's have always been expensive, good but expensive, now they are ridiculously expensive.

Over the years I have stop buying my FO's from WSP. NG, Backwoods, CS have very good quality FO's. So maybe WSP should be careful not to price itself out of business.

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Annie's right. WSP started adding their shipping into their product price so they went way up. Problem is, if you buy several bottles you paying the same shipping cost per item so then the price really goes up as you can end up paying double the shipping costs. I know some folks on this forum quit buying from them due to their pricing changes.

There are some items like buying bulk where it can work out for you but its best to check out other sources and compare first.

There has been a lot of discussion about WSP's price changes. Including that if you order online and go pick up you still pay for shipping. So they have lost some customers over it.

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WSP has always been pricey on nearly all of their products IMHO. I never found their brand to be any better than anyone else but that's just me. They do have good fos but again, you can find equally good fos at cheaper prices. Good luck with raising prices at this point in time. My only hope is that people will opt for hand made quality items that can be used for gift baskets. You can make a quality product without having to use overpriced ingredients. Some fos are worth the extra if they take half the amount to get the job done but those are becoming rare. Worry more about all the little guys who have closed up shop.


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