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Scent pages on websites


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Do you have a scent page on your website? A list of all the fragrances you carry whether they be for candles or B&B or wickless products.

Would it be easier for customers if I separate these scents into categories or at least into sections of candle scents and B&B scents? :confused:

What have you found that works the best?

TIA :)

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I used to but took it down. I now have a product page with pictures and descriptions for each candle. I know I personally hate those drop down menus when choosing a candle. I want to see the product and not a generic pic for all the scents. I know not all websites have that option but mine does so I use it. Each product had its own dedicated page.

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I carry an average of 300 scents (make tarts). I have an alphabetical list and also by category. I work very hard on my scent descriptions since the customer can't actually sniff. I try to use common terms that most non-chandlers understand, relating to every day life or scents or memories.

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I have a picture and a description of each scent on my scent page. The picture is not of a candle; but a picture of whatever the scent is. Wildberry Parfait...I have a photo of berries and whipped cream in a parfait glass. I think it helps them get the idea of what the smell will be.

My candle page, I have a picture of the candle and then a drop down menu to select the scent.

I have found people like having all the scents in one spot. I do not separate into types because some types can go in different categories and people have different opinions on what goes in each type.

btw...I only have 30+ scents.

Edited by NaturallyTru
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I probably have close to 100 scents with candle & B&B scents combined. Right now I have them all listed on a page with a picture and a short description of the scent. I don't really want to list all 70 scents for the candles/tarts in a drop down menu so I was curious as to what others may do. I like having a scent page with a picture and description, it gives the customer a little more info about a scent and some of them I use aren't descriptive in their name, so a short description helps.

I wish the technology would allow a sniff screen, it would make things a whole lot easier! :laugh2:

Edited by PAgirl89
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I used to but took it down. I now have a product page with pictures and descriptions for each candle. I know I personally hate those drop down menus when choosing a candle. I want to see the product and not a generic pic for all the scents. I know not all websites have that option but mine does so I use it. Each product had its own dedicated page.

Pretty much the same here. Gotta figure you want to keep the person on your site for a better chance of buying. If they have to hunt and go back and forth through things, usually they tend to go elsewhere. On our pages we have a brief description of the scents to go with the item, whatever it may be ... unless it's obvious what the scent is from the name, but I think even then I put something there.

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I have scent descriptions for each scent along with the other parts of each product description. For items like wedding/party favors, though I have each scent organized into color categories so the customer could see what scent would smell appropriate with the color of wax they were wanting. If they see a scent name that looks interesting to them, they can click on the scent and a small pop-up window gives them a description of the scent. This way they could easily sit on the same page while browsing each scent if they wanted. you can check it out here www.westroadcandles.com/7.html as I know my description here wasn't so great. :)

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I've actually pondered your same question -- we carry over 100 fragrances, but not all of them are in candle/tarts AND b&b products. Our products have a pop-up scent window so they don't have to bounce back and forth looking at descriptions....BUT....the problem comes in when they see a scent they like but it isn't in the product they're wanting. I do make a statement at the top of the scent list that not all fragrances come in all products, etc.....but we all know that people don't read! :)

I've considered having on my sidebar: Candle Fragrances, Tart Fragrances, Body Butter Fragrances, Soap Fragrances, etc. -- by doing that, my pop-up scent description windows would then be exclusive to just those scents in that product. No more confusion as to why a scent is listed that isn't in a particular product.

Now that I've typed this into words, I may just go do it....so thanks for the nudge! ;-)

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