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D*m websites stealing pictures


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As for the famous C&D letter save your money it is only good if you really intend to take the person to court and it doesn't always deter that kind of people. Many of them have done this before and know that there is nothing you can do unless you are willing to spend a truck load of money.

But you can do something about it. During our last (Craft Server) down time, I had someone steal one of my pictures, put it on her website and facebook page. There was even a review done by a blogger using my picture about her products. I know for a fact it was my picture because I have a very distinct photography style. Since Craft Server was unavailable, I couldn't come here for help. But I did remember this post because it was started before Craft Server went down and so I at least had some sort of idea on what to "Google". I found this article which I found very interesting.


I had also saved the link that someone else here had already previously posted.


So the First Thing I did was research what I could do about it with Google using the link that I had saved before Craft Server went down. I went to http://www.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=ts.cs&ts=1114905 which is filing a DMCA Complaint and seen what I had to do

I then went to her facebook page, found my picture and on the bottom left side of the picture is a link on reporting a photo. Found out I had to first "Like" her facebook page to report her. I read what I had to do there to report her.

I then went to http://www.whois.net to find out her host. I went to her host and read the Hostmonster.com Terms of Service http://www.hostmonster.com/cgi/info/terms.html Found the area that pertain to her stealing my photo. (9. PROHIBITED USES. 06 Violations of Intellectual Property Rights.)

Next I went to her face book page and left comments where my picture was that if they wanted to see the original picture they could follow the link I left to my website where my picture was and that this person did not have permission to use my photo. I sent the gal who stole my picture an message that she needed to take down my photo or I would report her to face book. Didn't Work. So I reported her to facebook. That Worked!

I also went to her Website and sent her a message that I wanted her to take my photo off of her website or I would report her to Google gave her the link so she could see what I was going to do. Didn't Work. Reported her to Google then sent her another message that I had reported her Google as promised and my next step would be to file a complaint with her Website host that she had stole my picture and sent her a link to her where she could find about the part that pertained to her stealing my picture and told her to go a little further and read about HostMonsters Copy Infringement Notice. THAT WORKED! Picture taken down!

I also went to the Bloggers page found where to contact her. Sent her an email explaining that the picture was mine and that the person she did the review about didn't have my permission to use the picture and sent her a link where the picture was on my website. Not a problem. Picture was down within hours!

This process took me about two days! And if it wasn't for this Post already being started, I don't think I would have been able to take care of it so quickly! :yay::yay::yay:

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first let me say WAY TO GO !!! this is exactly what you have to do to stop these thieves. You have to be willing to research where to go and how to complain to git 'er done. You did and I am proud of you !

Below are some more links for you:


and www.tineye.com

also google has added a reverse image search

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