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I think I'm in love! (open house last night!)


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I had my first open house last night and it was so much fun! They went crazy over the scents. I had about 13 people show up and brought in almost $300. I've already had people commenting how amazing the scents are and that they are smelling up their homes. I also have a few that weren't able to make it and want to purchase.

The scents I started with are (all from Nature's garden):

Raspberry Lemonade, 7-up pound cake, Pink Sugar, Clean Cotton, Monkey Farts, Lick Me All Over, Butt Naked, Morning Glory & Honeysuckle, Pumpkin Crunch Cake, Mandarin Tiki, Creamy Chocolate Cupcake, Black Raspberry & Vanilla, Apple Jack & Peel (i call it Spiced Apple Cider), Love Spell Type, Purple Hooters.

There wasn't a scent that didn't sell but my best selling scent by far was 7-Up Pound Cake. That was the one I had going in my warmer during the open house. Pink Sugar, Monkey Farts, and Love Spell were big sellers.

I had the clamshells for $4 and the Scent cups for $1.75 each or 10 for $15. Most people took advantage of the 10 for $15.

Here's a pic of my table.


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I have a salon account, what ever I have as samples for burning, or lotion or body butter or scrub samples, are the ones that sale. So when you do that again remember to make double of that one. ;) Glad you had so much fun!

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I love the Morning Glory & Honeysuckle too! I only sold a few of this scent. It was the least favorite amongst last night's crowd.

Maybe your crowd is the "foody" bunch. I see from your scent selections that you lean toward food scents. I sell foody scents too, but my clients definitely lean toward florals, earthy, and straight fruits. Whatever sells for you is the way to go!

By the way, what is Mandarin Tiki? That sounds like something I would like too.

Edited by Noodle
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