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White Candle Conundrum

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Well, most white colors are pigments and those clog the wick. So does titanium oxide and mica.

Sometimes I use stearic and the wax tends to be whiter. It burns fine, but you might need a wick change with that additive.

I have not used any of the following, but the websites claim they do well...

Lonestar has a whitening powder that is supposed to do what you want. Generalwax and a few others have a whitener that they claim works well. I can't find it right now but I saw a 'color remover' at one of the suppliers that looked interesting.

Best wishes to you.

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If it has a green tint to it from the FO, you just need to go with the color!! Adding too much vybar will lock your scent out and any other additives used to make candles white will clog your wick badly if you use too much. :cool2:

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If you can manage it, try lowering your FO amount, that should at least lessen the green, you may be able to use smaller amounts of the additives or colors suggested with less problems in burning. I suppose you could also try some white beeswax, that's pretty opaque stuff, it may help color your wax more white, it'll probably mean test burning to get your wicking right.

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  • 11 months later...

I was researching the EVO white liquid dye sold by Candlewic.com to see if it contained titanium dioxide that would clog the wicks, and to try to find out how well it works to make white candles, but I surfed onto another page of candle making instructions for Candlewic and it said that the best way to make white candles and not clog the wick is with their "White Color Button." But, when I clicked the link for their color buttons they only had a green one listed. I will call tomorrow and find out more about this.

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What about overdipping the finished candle with the wax that doesn't have fragrance AND add some stearic so that it is just more white on the outside?

I don't know anything about making pillars, so hopefully someone who does will answer. I'm just trying to make my container candles all the same shade of white.

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