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Where to buy 5 to 15 pounds or more of scent?

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A long time ago, I use to buy scent from IFT and Flavor and Fragrances in 10 to 25 lbs of same scent. They don't do that anymore, unless you have big bucks. Does anyone know a manufacture where you can buy 10 to 15 lbs of same scent nowdays?

Thanks in advance.

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snowdriftfarm sells in 5 and 25 as I recall. Doesn't Liebermuth? Also, if southern soapes has any left, they are 25 pounds.

Most of the suppliers buy in 25 pound quantities or more and repackage. I would think you could call anyone and make a deal.

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I know about the distributors, like Nature's Garden, Candlewic, and the others. I was searching for a manufacturer like International Fragrance & Technology use to be in Canton, Georgia (they are now Agilex and won't let you purchase without spending 10,000 a year minimum) - use to be able to buy 10 lbs of your own formulated scent. Or Intercontinental Fragrances out in Texas, a manufacturer, which Symrise took over - you could buy 10 lbs there.

I'm looking for a manufacturer who makes the scents, so your scent belongs to you and no one else can purchase that exact scent. Does anyone know a manufacturer? One you can purchase smaller product from, like 5, 10, or 25 lbs?

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Unfortunately the manufacturers no longer want to mess around with the smaller guy. The philosophy was that they would rather sell to the larger customer and exclude doing business with the smaller company. In some ways they were really biting the hand that fed them and realized this. Allowing only larger distributors to buy in bulk and re-sell was more cost effective for them , smaller customers just didn't earn them a paycheck.

The answer is I am afraid that all the big boys have excluded doing business with the smaller candle company. Wax companies (IGI in particular) have also done the same. They raised their minimums so high that you are fairly well forced to buy from a distributor until you are pretty big.

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Candlekiss, give Bill a call at snowdriftfarm.com. He told me last year when I was asking about a special "Egyptian Musk" that he could formulate what I wanted (I had a sample) but that it was a 25 pound minimum. He's a soaper and will tell you that he knows little at all about candles, but his FO's are great in candles and his EO's are even better.

I also know a gal here in Tucson that formulates perfumes, quite good at it, but she's probably too expensive.

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