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I haven't actually used the FO, just products made with it, but I think Sweetcakes has the best dupe I've smelled. But, it is uber expensive. I have tried ones from Berts, CS, NG and one other place I can't remember off the top of my head. Of those, I though Berts was the closest but it's a very light scent in product. Does pretty good as just a warmer oil. In another thread someone mentioned that Aroma Haven's Interlude is a pretty close if not an exact dupe. Haven't tried that one yet.

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I though Berts was the closest but it's a very light scent in product. Does pretty good as just a warmer oil.

To me, in paraffin wax Bert's isn't even close. It's a nice scent and I will happily use up the bottle I have, but it is nowhere near as deep and rich as 'Angel'. Like ProudMarineMom said, it is much softer and I don't get the same individual notes from it. It would be fine renamed to something else, though.

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I used to buy Angel from Sweetcakes. They came out with a reduced cost version when the "real" one started going way up in price. I see now they only have one on their site and it is $66.00 for a lb. I won't swear to it...but I think that IS the reduced one because when I ordered the last time....several years ago...the "real" one was up to like $90./lb. and the reduced was $50./lb.

A friend of mine fell in love with Angel and I told her that the prices had gone so high that my candles in this scent would be VERY expensive. She did buy a few until I found another supplier's that she tested for me and said she couldn't tell the difference. It's from AH/RE and it is called Interlude. I just went to their site and it says that once their current supply is exhausted...new oil will raise in price by about 50% since it has patchouli in it.

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I did have a 1oz sample from CS and use it with cyclo. Not sure if it's a close dupe b/c I smelled it for the first time the other day. I was checking a lady out and had to ask her what she was wearing she smelled so good. So that's why I was asking here for a dupe of it. I like the one so far from CS but like I said I don't know if it was is a close dupe or not. Can't wait till my order comes from BCN so I have more to make some mp soap & lotion with it!! Thanks all!!

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I use NG's Angelica instead of NG's Angel. I have the real stuff in perfume form. I think the Angelica smells more like it and it is a bit stronger. Every nose is different. Even with the real stuff. I bought it based on smelling someone that had it on. I think it smells better on her then me. But, I still love it - my daughter hates it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I did have a 1oz sample from CS and use it with cyclo. Not sure if it's a close dupe b/c I smelled it for the first time the other day. I was checking a lady out and had to ask her what she was wearing she smelled so good. So that's why I was asking here for a dupe of it. I like the one so far from CS but like I said I don't know if it was is a close dupe or not. Can't wait till my order comes from BCN so I have more to make some mp soap & lotion with it!! Thanks all!!

Not sure CS Angel was body safe

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A friend of mine fell in love with Angel and I told her that the prices had gone so high that my candles in this scent would be VERY expensive. She did buy a few until I found another supplier's that she tested for me and said she couldn't tell the difference. It's from AH/RE and it is called Interlude. I just went to their site and it says that once their current supply is exhausted...new oil will raise in price by about 50% since it has patchouli in it.

You're kidding! Someone needs to tell Amy the patch shortage is over, and it's clove that's in shortage now. Yes, a good Patch is expensive, but her price shouldn't double now that it's readily available. She's trying to continue riding a horse that's been put up for the day.

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I use NG's Angelica instead of NG's Angel. I have the real stuff in perfume form. I think the Angelica smells more like it and it is a bit stronger. Every nose is different. Even with the real stuff. I bought it based on smelling someone that had it on. I think it smells better on her then me. But, I still love it - my daughter hates it.

Angel is such an interesting fragrance perfume wise. It's one of the first perfumes I fell in love with. It definately doesn't work with everyone's body chemestry. It's awesome with mine, but some people get sour notes when they wear it. I have a theory that it wears best on BO prone people, but I haven't exactly tested it. I just happen to fall in that category and have noticed a few others that it smells awesome on are the same. Of course the fact that my skin loves vanilla probobly doesn't hurt. ;)

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