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"environmentally friendly" long read...

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Also, on the humorous side... when reading your post when I got to the part about estrogen production and men, I got a visual of men with boobs sniffing candles. :laugh2:

I cannot speak to the link between soy and cancer, but men do get breast cancer, which isn't remotely funny.

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Is it just me or is does it seem that SOMEONE has to find SOMETHING wrong with EVERYTHING!!! My gosh can we just light a candle and enjoy it??? I mean really, is the candle burning in your living room really going to be the cause of death? What about the cleaners you used? Or the A/C blowing or the cheesburger you ate. Sorry I am venting!! My gosh with all the warnings, WHAT IS SAFE???

You know what if you love making paraffin candles then make them, if you love soy than eat until your hearts content. I say use common sense and have your little piece of paradise you call home and ENJOY LIFE. It is too short.

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It is easier to just google soy verus paraffin and look for someone not trying to sell soy candles to get the 411.

From the little i've looked, soy is not environmentally friendly, but it is US Farmer friendly and sustainable, meaning the farmer who sells the soy makes money and not the big oil companies. Soy soots just as much as paraffin, but the soy soot is white and therefore not as visible. Part of the processing for soy involves hydrogenation, which means adding hydrogen (hello oil companies). Don't be fooled by those who try and pawn soy off as safer or better for the environment because it isnt.

There is a german study out there somewhere which measured the presence of over 200 dangerous chemicals from both paraffin and soy candle burning. Above normal levels of none of the chemicals were found for either soy or paraffin.

Do some research...

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