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Dandelion soap


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Has anyone gone outside and picked a dandelion plant to use in your soap making? I seem to have a lot of these :rolleyes2 and thought if you can make salads and wine out of them why not use to make an herbal soap? I suppose they may have to be dried first out but thats not a problem.

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That is some nice looking soap. So looks like I'm not the only one thinking about using Dandelions for soap making. Don't know how much of the vitamins your body can absorb considering soap is a wash off product and not a leave on like lotion or face cream.

Question is, what part of the Dandelion would you use? the green foliage, stems, flowers? All of it ? :confused:

Edited by Candybee
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Looks like you can use all parts of the Dandelion. Camden-Grey only sells the dried leaves. The link below says the flower produces lots of honey. Not sure if you can just get the honey out, which would be nice to use. 'Course would probably have to deal with a lot of dandelions to get a decent amount of honey!


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milled... so they make a batch of CP soap, cure it fully, then shred it down and in a double boiler slowly "melt" it, this particular soap maker adds some unmelted shreds back in for texture. Its a fabulous way to use ingredients that would be destroyed by the heat/reaction of regular CP. It lasts longer than regular CP too because it has much less water. I make alot of milled soap, ive never made dandelion... alot of this sellers soaps are very pretty but I dont know how beneficial ground up dandelions really would be....

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Well I already use dried lemongrass and chamomile to make herbal soaps. The herbal soaps sell very well. I realise that just the dried herbs don't add much of anything more than texture and eye appeal but customers love them anyway.

When I get around to weeding LOL I will pull up some dandelions and set them aside to dry. Will revisit this dandelion soap later once I try it out.

I just love using natural additives in my M&P like dried herbs, tea leaves, honey, cornmeal, oatmeal, etc. (I'm talking about other than butters & oils-- I use a bunch of those too!)

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Since my son moved out I told my husband I want to turn the extra room into an indoor herb garden for this :) Haha I'm not sure if he thought I was crazy or well crazy but I'm not crazy, I'm serious lol When this thread started I looked out back for dandelions and we don't have any :( Him and his darn fertilizer or whatever it is he uses killed them :(

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Well I didn't have any problems collecting some today! :laugh2:

Got several dandelion flowers and some leaves. Cut off all the stems. Now I'm drying them out. Once they are dried I will probably crush them in my hands to turn them into bits and pieces to use in the soap.

If I have time (and enough base) I'll make some this coming week but I think I need to order more base and as usual I'm broke!:(

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Well I didn't have any problems collecting some today! :laugh2:

Got several dandelion flowers and some leaves. Cut off all the stems. Now I'm drying them out. Once they are dried I will probably crush them in my hands to turn them into bits and pieces to use in the soap.

If I have time (and enough base) I'll make some this coming week but I think I need to order more base and as usual I'm broke!:(

Sound like me... broke!!! I know I have to wait until next week to order more myself then I can get back to my tapioca pearls and maybe go raid the neighbors yard for dandelions lol

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