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Hi all, recently did a show at a high school- had a corner booth but. This is a quick display that we did for the day. Thoughts?

We had formerly done some shows where we did not make too much, another vendor told me that 11x the booth fee is considered good...?

This past Saturday we did a fire department show and made about $510- what is considered good? I know some vendors that do not do a show unless they make about $1000... I feel like chump change compared to them!

I know that show attendance has dwindled lately, but what do you guys think would help in my situation??

As always, thanks!!:P


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Just a simple thought on display:

Could you move the shelf so that it is the closest thing to the wall? I could see it feeling like it's blocking you from your customers and making you seem unavailable to that half of the area. The section next to the wall looks like it's just as tall but is less heavy so it would be easier to chat through.

All and all your displays look well merchandised and very professional. I personally don't know too much about markets but from your description it sounds like you've done fairly small events and definately gotten your share of the attention, so that would equal good.

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Your display is really nice! You did great in my opinion. I had a 2 day show this past weekend and made $130. SUCKED. Ha ha.. it was slow with low attendance and I wasn't the only one complaining so anyway $510 sounds awesome to me. :)

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Just a simple thought on display:

Could you move the shelf so that it is the closest thing to the wall? I could see it feeling like it's blocking you from your customers and making you seem unavailable to that half of the area. The section next to the wall looks like it's just as tall but is less heavy so it would be easier to chat through.

All and all your displays look well merchandised and very professional. I personally don't know too much about markets but from your description it sounds like you've done fairly small events and definately gotten your share of the attention, so that would equal good.

LOL it sure did block me from the customers! I felt like a stalker, trying to see them through the cubes! We are working on taller displays, too. The show from this past weekend was outside and the melt display was against a wall, no blocking to worry about... but, some shows I have done I did not even make back booth. Also, I do not have a creative bone in my body so that does me no good...

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Those glass melters sitting way up high on those shelves are scaring me to death. It is not uncommon for tables to get jostled by customers. I've done a gazillion shows and, believe me, things happen. A couple of times I've even had neighboring vendor stands fall on my stand. Moms pushing baby strollers are notorious jostlers. Plus, people like to touch things at shows and they can't touch your warmers if they are that high. Maybe that's a good thing but people may not buy what they can't reach. Just a thought.

With respect to your question about how much to make at a show, this will vary for everyone. A hobbyist will have a different goal than someone who depends on sales for their mortgage. Also, expections should change with the season because spring shows are going to be less profitable than fall shows. If you're happy with your sales, don't worry about how much others make or expect. A show can be bad but you still are out there in the public eye, creating name recognition and future sales.

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The displays are clamped to the table, but I see what you mean for the melters to fall. We did change it slightly and in addition to the melters on top, put them on the table in front of the display.

I would prefer to make as much money as possible (LOL) but initially my sales were barely covering booth fee. I have come A LOOONNNG way with my displays, though- everything was the same height and nothing was eye catching.

A lot of people go rustic in this area so I incorporated the stained wood for my melts displays, but, I still need to work on something special for my jars.

I guess I was kind of wondering if you guys could pick out some things I need to work on...? The majority of my outdoor shows I have the tables against the inside of my tent - U shaped- and for a large show I have a double space where I plan on making it a long row of tables...

I need help from you pros!! Aside from the whole, "I could smell you from across the room!", what is there that I can do to make my products look better?

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My first thought on seeing your display was it looked great - except for the tall display in the center. Besides not being able to see shoppers ( or shoplifters) you can't talk to them about your products. I use wooden crates on their side to build shelves, but I don't build them taller than eye level. Other than that, the black cloths make your colors pop. You can add seasonal color with flower garlands. Add a pop of color here or there with linen napkins. They come in lots of colors and are relatively inexpensive.

In the beginning, I took pictures of every show set up and kept spreadsheets for every show - total sales, average sale, product and scents sold. The next time I did that show, I was ready with display and product and a rough expectation of what I could expect to make.

Take into account your booth cost, transportation cost, travel and set up time and then figure your income. 5x at every show isn't the same if all the other factors aren't the same.

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