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Looking for a FO that throws well in paraffin but not soy, any scent, any supplier

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I have been testing my own blend of soy, all soy, GW 464 and Ecoysoya PB. I have been using a paraffin and soy blend. So far, all my oils have made the translation (form para soy to all soy) just fine, no difference in hot or cold throw. I want to experience one that does not make the leap from parasoy to soy. Is there one that was a dud for you (if you made the jump from parasoy to all soy)? I would actually like to experience a bad experience (poor CT and HT in soy but great CT and HT in parasoy), if that makes sense.

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Are you trying to prove that the addition of paraffin to soy produces a superior throw?

If so.....

A quick testing ground could be found on CandleScience's site as they offer a grading system to demonstrate how well a particular fragrance throws in soy. You could always find one they label as "not suggested for soy" and work with that. I don't recall specific names, but do know there are several there with a "one-leaf" rating with "three leaves" being the most excellent rating for good throw potential, and there were some specifically listed as "not suggested for soy."

Choose one of their fragrances rated as poor for soy, then compare for yourself the difference in that fragrance in your various blends.

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I would actually like to experience a bad experience (poor CT and HT in soy but great CT and HT in parasoy), if that makes sense.

I have no suggestions, but I gotta love your approach!!! I'm not sure what this will prove/disprove for you, but have fun getting there. :D

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Well, um, just about everything I used in CB135 threw like a limp noodle and was at the same time, quite nice in paraffin.

Most folks on this forum are in search of the few FO's that throw in soy (like the few that work in gels).

Like Stella, I like your approach. Any FO that is weak OOB you can expect a null throw in paraffin and moreso in soy.

Love to hear more about your testing.

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No, I'm just plain curious and wonder just how bad it is. I started making all soy and so far they are all equal to the parasoy blend in throw and I bought my oils never looking at a soy rating. I wonder if I would notice. I don't know about CB135 as that is not one I'm using. And I've never used all paraffin. Maybe that is why I'm not noticing a difference, because I'm going from parasoy to soy rather than paraffin to soy.

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I could not get any decent or any throw at all in 415 soy from NG Creme Brulee ever. After the tarts sat and cured for a while they also smelled "off" so you might want to try that one. That happened also to be one of the first FO's I poured in soy.

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Any FO that is weak OOB you can expect a null throw in paraffin and moreso in soy. QUOTE]

Sorry Eric but this statement is just not always correct. You definately can't judge any FO by just smelling it out of the bottle, it needs to be put in wax and tested. Your statement is like the other misconception that any FO that is very thick will have to be wicked up........just isn't true!!

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I think the only Candle Science FO NOT recommended for soy is Dreamsicle. I mixed it though (before I read their recommendation), and it still did fairly well - not as good as the others I've tried from CS but still decent.

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I have been surprised many times at how different a FO is after being poured and cured in the wax. Not only does the "strength" of the scent often change, the scent itself can be far more complex after putting it into wax. OOB is just where fragrance testing begins. Even if you think a FO might be a loser, you owe it to yourself to put it in wax and see what happens.

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Peaks Ocean taught me not to judge OOB. I was like "kinda bland clean smelling ocean scent like all the others" and then I put it in a soap and it was Holy Cow Salty Perfect Ocean Scent! So sold I broke down and bought a lb . . and a sample of one of AHRE's watery scents (I think it was kelp) just to see if I hadn't been giving all the others enough credit too.

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Peaks Ocean taught me not to judge OOB. I was like "kinda bland clean smelling ocean scent like all the others" and then I put it in a soap and it was Holy Cow Salty Perfect Ocean Scent! So sold I broke down and bought a lb . . and a sample of one of AHRE's watery scents (I think it was kelp) just to see if I hadn't been giving all the others enough credit too.

We just poured both of these this morning for our tarts! We had never done them in parasoy, so this will be all soy. Can't wait for them to cure. I've NEVER been to the ocean so I have no idea what salty ocean air actually smells like. I guess I'm about to find out! I kept sniffing and thinking I don't smell salt but then again, what the heck does salt smell like, anyway? I even sniffed my box of salt to try to figure it out.

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