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changing price due to location

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I have some shows coming up- they are a few hours away from my house. The cost of these shows is more than I would pay if it were by my home and the area is generally a more expensive area. If I were to look to increase prices to help cover traveling/expenses, how would that go if someone were to look at my site? I would never want a customer to feel slighted that they paid more if they saw the prices cheaper on my site...


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I would just decide if the show was worth it, as an expense. In business you need consistency. If you can't do the show without raising your prices, then maybe the show isn't affordable.

I wouldn't want to have to work with different prices either. That could get confusing.

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The reason we are looking at this location for shows is we will be staying the weekend with my inlaws(we used to live there) and are bringing our dogs there for the weekend too. Maybe more of the fact that items are generally more expensive there and I could get more due to the area (pretty well off... that is why I USED to live there LOL)...

Maybe I am just being greedy? But, I also want to be sure that my items do not look too inexpensive...

Just wondering...:P

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Do you advertise your web address on your labels? If not, I'd say go for it. But if you do, I as a customer would probably be a little ticked if I realized you upped the price at the craft fair when I could have bought it cheaper off your website.........well, maybe not, as I would have had to pay shipping:smiley2:

So looking at it that way, maybe you could up the price to just under what it would cost to ship to that area???? Just a thought.

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Well, my soap and lotion prices are a little higher online than at my shows so that isn't a problem. I do have a way to change prices though. At small cheap rent shows I include tax in the purchase price. At bigger more expensive shows I add tax on at the end. So in essence I have two price structures. Been doing this for years with no problems.

So the soap is always retails at $5.00 a bar but would be $5.41 with tax. I display my "all prices include tax" as required when I include tax and have signs that say "plus sales tax" also.

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We travel to many shows 2 - 3 hours from home. Our retail show prices are the same as they are listed on our website. I agree with larger shows usually bring larger crowds and more sales, so that offsets the need to raise pricing...

Good luck.. let us know how it goes..

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