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Help With Making Emergency Candles

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I have had 2 friends of mine ask me to make emergency candles for them Incase there power goes out. I was wondering which would be better using 4 or 8 oz jars or making the kind that looks like a taper candle. I would be using a 50/50 mix with no color or scent in them. For some reason I am having a hard time deciding which would be better. :confused:

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For me I'd think a container would be safer and there are some wicks that tend to burn tall but not so wide meaning they don't superheat the container. LX comes to mind. They throw out a lot of carbon, but who cares, its an emergency, not a regular use candle.

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Having used emergency candles for long periods of time (days, weeks) after hurricanes, I like container candles the best; pillar candles burned in a glass hurricane are a close second. Safety is a huge consideration, especially when the electricity is out. I consider tapers relatively worthless because they do not burn long enough when there is a real, extended emergency. Heat is a consideration in the summertime and the containers help encase the heat of the flame somewhat, although just looking at a flame will make one feel hot when the night temps are 90°+... You can also toast marshmallows over unscented container candles quite effectively. ;) A light, cooling scent helps to freshen the air, even when unlit.

I prefer Glass Glow palm wax for containers and palm wax pillars for emergencies. Palm wax stores better than does soy, holds up to high-heat conditions better than soy or paraffin and has a long-lasting burn. I choose 8 - 16 oz. containers and 3" x 6" pillars for general lighting. Both can handle extended burns of 12 hours with no problem. Votives are great for lighting up small areas, like a bathroom. Choose a very light tint of color (or none at all) for the most light. A candle placed in front of a mirror (or mirrored sconce) reflects a lot of light. Good luck with your project. HTH :)

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My first thought was also pillar candles, since that's what I use, but that wasn't the question. :laugh2: Don't know why people think container candles are any safer than any other type of candle, a flame is a flame.

I'm basically a pillar maker too but for emergency candles I'd go for the containers because they can be moved from room to room much easier.

When DH & his buddies go camping in the RV, he takes along some containers to use so he doesn't run down his batteries - would never think of letting them take pillars :lipsrseal

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Actually I burn pillars all the time in my camper.

However, my first choice for any kind of alternative lighting would a primitive candle lantern my husband's cousin turned us on to. They hold a 5" taper candle, are made of wood and are completely draft free. You can burn candles outside in the wind and they do not even flicker.

The lantern kits can be purchased from www.trackofthewolf.com but we purchased the first one and then make our own using their pattern.

My husband's cousin belong to a primitive camping club where they cannot use any modern tools so they use these lanterns with beeswax candles for lighting.

Believe me, these lanterns are the best! They put off an incredible amount of light from just a single taper, kind of like the old oil lamps, are VERY easy to use and, like I said before, are excellent for outdoor use. They can even be retrofitted with a pane of mirror on one side for use as a reading lamp! Plus, they can be moved from room to room quite easily and safely.

For the candle, I cut some of my taper molds to about 5", which works out okay for me because I also make Shabbat candles for some of my customers who also need that size candle.

Of course, I only use pure beeswax candles so, even at just 5" they still burn about 6 hours.

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