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How much do you keep on hand?

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I'm asking the soap board the same question but I'm curious not including anything but wax itself how much do you keep in hand?...fragrance oils, molds, wicks etc don't count all I'm interested in is how much wax on average do you keep on hand? Do you just keep a small amount and just load up before craft shows, or orders or fundraisers and house parties...I never let my gas tank drop below half a tank so I'm the same with my wax. Because I'm reopening my business I've stocked up a bit but I always keep at least 50 lbs of pillar/votive wax and 50 lbs of container wax in my workroom...I've just ordered an add'l 50 lbs of each to fill orders that are coming in...so on a normal day how many pounds of wax do you have waiting to be used?

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I was surprised to see an answer so fast....with me having my business closed for 2 years there's so much I don't remember...The only candles I have in my home right now are a few left over from 2 of the craft shows I've done, I. The past I would have just listed what as left over and sold them online, but I already have an order for 30 Cinderella's Slipper fluted heart pillars and 300 guest size bars or soap...I use Just Scent's Pre blended paraffin so I'm thinking I should order at least 100 more lbs. And I haven't even reopened. Working as a sub at the school has also garnished a huge number of orders for me so maybe 300 sounds better. Wax doesn't go bad right?

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I also stock up on supplies. Wax, glassware I usually stock up on twice a year. We make a trip to Aztek so we don't have to pay shipping for the shipping killer items. Sometimes I need to get extra jars for fundraisers, things like that, but, there's a place here that I can get those if needed in a pinch. And I usually go ahead and get about 600 extra lids when we make our twice yearly trip. As for wicks, when I order those I get 1000 at a time and them just replenish when I start getting low. FO's I also tend to stock up on if they are popular scents that I use alot, especially when there's a sale. Warning labels are also something I order in large quantity. I got 2208 last time for 24.99.

I do know any of the waxes I've used (container) have a use by date which is a year from manufactor date listed on the wax box. Not sure if it technically goes bad but there's a reason it's there. Never really questioned why as I have always used my wax before the year is up.

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Omg I'm such a small fry...I have a lot of room for storage as watching hoarders and Jay-and I really cleaned out or basement so I can easily fit a couple hundred pounds of each...I keep my boxes on palletsand I pour the granulated wax unto huge plastic trash cans...I know this is the candle board but for people who make both....do you think soap base has a reasonable shelf life?

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If you are talking mp base it would depend on whether its low moisture and where you are storing. I had some mp clear that got lost for about a year and it was just fine. Soaping oils have about 1 year shelf life for most. I am a part timer and keep about 100 pounds of wax but have a ton of glassware. If I was full time it would be in pallets. HTH


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