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Big Mistake - Maybe it will pay off


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Now that I can finally breathe again, I wanted to let you all know about the hugest mistake I have ever made.

My business is operated using just my website and I have one big wholesale account. In an effort to grow my business I tried a craft fair this past holiday season (but it was awful) - and couldn't find any others because I swear the people running them were keeping them a huge secret until they advertised them.

Anyway, I fully recognized that people loved my stuff if they tried it out or smelled it. So I decided I would make sample packets available on my website. Anyone could go to the site and request a sample of my body butter or they could request sample scents (on air freshner paper) of the candles. No one was requesting anything. I couldn't understand it. I figured it was because so many of my website visitors were repeat customers so they didn't need the samples. So, foolishly I decided to let others know about it... on slickdeals.net under freebies. OOOOOOOPS! Huge mistake.

My site was instantly blown up with hoards of people rushing to it to request the samples. My poor little site which normally had a max of 3-4 visitors at any one time, suddenly had 50-70 on it. I finally managed to close down the request form once the number hit 1354 requests. So I finally got all of the samples put together and mailed out (huge expense at the post office). And now I'm just waiting.

I was wondering whether anyone else out there has ever sent out samples to people that were not routine customers, and if so, what sort of return rate did you get? I'm not expecting much since most of the people requesting the samples seemed to just want something for free and didn't care much about it aside from the price of $0, but thought I would see if anyone else out there had ever been as dumb as me. :embarasse

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Make sure in the future that you place a small notice on the page that supplies are limited and that everyone may not receive a sample (or something along those lines.)

Additionally, make sure you collect email addresses and in your notice state that by signing up for the free sample they are subscribing to your newsletter. At least then if you didn't receive any orders from sending out so many samples, you have quite a few email addresses to market to in the future.

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WOW! I hope this works out for you. I do offer samples, but the buyer pays the small amount of postage for me to send them. This prevents the freebie hunter from contacting me and keeps only interested customers making the sample requests. I also include a nice sample with every order.

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Ya hind-sight definitely 20-20 on this. I can set up inventory for my products, so I should have set it up as an inventoried item (as opposed to a contact form) so I could control the number of requests. The 1300 came through within a span of 2 hours. Unreal. And I definitely collected all names, and addresses/emails, so I can send out messages once they forget they signed up. :)

It's just super frustrating because now another freebie site heard about it, and sent a message out to their subscribers without even checking to see if it was still a valid offer. So people are showing up from that site, and are confused because there isn't a freebie offer. I am still offering the sample size packets, but charging $1 (including shipping) to cover the costs... unbelievable how many moochers out there won't even pay $1 to get something good. So now I find myself responding to tons of emails requesting their freebie (they act like they are automatically entitled to one because they read about it), and I'm stuck because I want to have superb customer service and let people know that a real person is responding to their requests - not just a robot at Proctor & Gamble.

I always send a free sample of something in with my orders, but I wasn't getting huge numbers of orders, so I had thought this would help. Had no idea how insane people could get about free things.

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When I've advertised for my store on Craig's List, I offer free tarts to buyers of warmers and/or aroma lamps. And I put "5 FREE Tarts" in the subject line.

But they have to buy first.

I'm sure your website was posted on numerous forums. At least your ranking should improve with all those hits. lol

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As mentioned previously, free samples are not bad. In fact, it can be a great way to advertise if done "smartly." I must admit I participated in several free giveaways, including sample boxes or ***Packs. However, if I did get an order, I don't remember. It entailed me mailing lump sums of samples to other vendors for them to hand out at shows, events, etc. Cool idea...but did not work for me. BUT it did send some new advertising venues my way and opened the door for some other ways for me to advertise online. So I cannot say it was a complete loss.

Also as mentioned prior, I also give free samples of something with EVERY order. And at shows, my repeat and good customers get a little something extra. Keeps 'em coming back.

People like FREE. That's why the FREE section on Craigslist is so popular....and FREE cycle. I wouldn't be surprised that most people who "jump" at the free stuff even use it.,.or know what it is. It's the thrill of getting some thing for FREE!!

So don't give up. Find the positive in what you have already experienced, and move on. Best of luck to you!

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wow...1300 samples :shocked2: I usually give free samples to the promoters of craft shows I do to put in the bags they hand out at the shows and I always give things away on my FB page as well as to people who order from my site but I can't imagine doing that many at one time. I hope it brings you som business and exposure to your site. If not, everything is a learning experience!

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