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Can you make HP with heavy cream?


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I have been searching for information but haven't come up with much. Is it possible to make HP with cream? I have CC's Rose Petals and Cream FO and I thought would be nice to make the soap with real cream, but I only do HP, is this possible? Thanks for any suggestions! :smiley2:

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I knew I seen this question asked before, hope this helps you some...

These are just some of my own obseravtions.......

I've used goat milk, coconut milk, buttermilk, whole cow milk and heavy cream, and on the whole, I've found them all to contribute a beautiful, dense creaminess to my lather. Also- I should mention that I've found no difference in the creamy factor of my lather whether I used powdered, canned or fresh.

The only differences I have noticed are these:

-Whole cow's milk and heavy cream gave a sour off-smell to my batches, so I quit using them as a milk source for my soap. Other soapers seem to be able to use cow milk and cream just fine without any off-smells, so don't let that put y'all off on trying them out- it just may well be a case of my smeller being extra sensitive to some component in the cow milk or something. Either that, or I happened to have used FOs in my cow milk/cream batches that clashed with the milk/cream in some way. In any case, I've never noticed that sour in any of the other milks I've used, including buttermilk- just whole milk and cream. Go figure.

-Canned goat milk turns my soaps darker in color than when I use the powdered or fresh versions. Also- my resulting soap emits a temporary ammonia smell for the first few days after unmolding. It completely goes away as it cures, though. I don't get the ammonia smell with the fresh or powdered GM.

-Decreased bubbly lather when higher concentrations of milks are added. I've worked my way around this problem by adjusting my superfat level. For instance, if I'm using 30% of my liquid amount as milk, I leave my normal 5% superfat alone because the addition of the extra milk fat doesn't affect my bubbly lather all that much. If I'm using 50% milk, I drop my SF down a notch to 3.8% or 4%. This seems to do the trick of keeping the amount of my bubbly lather intact. If I'm using 100% of my liquid amount as milk, I knock my SF level further down to 3% to maintain my bubble factor. When I don't do this, I find my bubbly lather just goes 'poof'- it deflates to near nothingness.

-It might totally be my imagination, but it seems like my goatmilk soaps come out feeling slightly harder than my coconut milk soaps. The difference isn't huge or anything, and like I said, I might be totally imagining it, but I just thought I'd mention it.


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