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Earth Candles


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Sorry, the picture was a little bigger than I expected & I don't see a resize toolCandles.JPG

Finally I have something to show!

These are Glass Glow Palm wax with a 44-18-20 cotton core wick. My test burn is going really well. There was some tunneling when I tried burning without fragrance, but it was a strong steady flame. With fragrance it burns to the sides, & it did drown itself out once, but was pretty easy to re-light & keep going. So I'm thinking that there might be a better wick choice out there, but this one's acceptable.

As far as the rocks go, that was a crazy creative moment after I realised I'd ordered my wicks too short. I poured a little wax when it heated to 170, just about 3/4 inch & let that settle in the oven while I heated the wax the rest of the way. It stays wet & blends with the completed wax when it is poured, but settled well enough to make me tops nice and level. The wax hid the rocks more than I wanted until I added the layer of sand and tamped it down so it was solid as possible. Some wax still seeped down, but not so much that it spoiled the affect. I'm actually quite happy with them! Not what I would have suggested I tried for my first go round, but definately something that captured exactly what I had wanted to create

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Those containers are more difficult to find than I expected. I knew that they had to be out there somewhere because they're the standard religious candle size. They have a few other sizes too, which is nice because they do hold quite a bit of wax. Another reason I was really happy to figure out the rocks. :)

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Faerywren -- I am interested in trying them but my burn is close enough to perfect that I'm hesitant. How would I find the most similar to my 44-18-20 wicks in those? I've looked at charts but all I can tell is that there are about 5 sizes of each type suggested for my container size, not how they compair to one another ect.

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I've looked at charts but all I can tell is that there are about 5 sizes of each type suggested for my container size, not how they compair to one another ect.

You have to test yourself. A wick manufacturer can only suggest a range since different waxes need different sizes. Most charts are based on paraffin wax and all paraffin waxes don't wick the same even! Sorry, but there's no easy way around trying different things yourself.

I use Glass Glow and CDNs work quite well for me in it. If you want to switch wicks, you can try a CDN 10 in that container - you may have to wick up or down one size, depending, so get a sample of several sizes of anything you intend to test. Keep testing ALL THE WAY to the bitter end. Palm wax tunnels by nature and often doesn't "catch up" until the bottom of the jar (or sand).

I love that look. I see "THINGS" in dem rocks... :shocked2: Good job. :)

Edited by Stella1952
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Thank you Stella! That is exactly the information I was looking for. I now have a good staring point to test the wicks and go up or down from. I ended up with the wick I was using because it was the one suggested for the container & I knew I wanted something fairly close to it, but a little stonger burning, but I couldn't tell where a good starting place was for other wick types & figured they would work better than the coated cotton so I didn't want to just wick up there. Thanks a million

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Yes I will keep using them. They are a little tricky to work with because they're difficult to stick the wick to & take alot of wax (another reason I'm loving the rocks) & burn for ALOT of hours. (I keep loosing count so I'm not sure how long *blush*)

When I designed the scents that inspired the candles the purpose was to create a conciousness shift through scent. So I'm trying to make a religous meditation type candle & a tall prominate candle where the scent is interacted with a typically short distance & the candle can be fairly ignored (as much as you can ignore any candle, of course) is what I needed & I don't think I'm going to find anything else that serves my purposes so well.

Edited by cedar_lea
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I'm still trying to figure out how to compare the different kinds of wicks. It's pretty confusing. The wicks they suggest are the ones I used and they worked surprisingly good with the palm wax so I haven't experimented too much yet. I am going to look into some other types of wicks when I have supply funds but I'm pretty happy with the ones I used. It burns better than most candles I've purchased from stores so I feel a little nit picky complaining, but it's not quite perfect yet.

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I'm still trying to figure out how to compare the different kinds of wicks.
do you know how that wick compares to CD's or RRD's
Here's how I use wick recommendation charts & info to help me choose. Your mileage may vary, of course :D

First, I'd go to http://www.wickit.net/recommendations.html

and locate the wick I am currently using. In the candles you made, that's a 44-18-20C, if I am reading the sizes on the chart and your post correctly.

I'd then locate the wick types I'm interested in trying (CD/CDN & RRD) on the chart. The CD/CDN (renamed Stabilo/Stabilo KST, respectively) ranges from 12-18 and the RRD ranges from 34-47. To help me narrow the choices, I'd use some deductive reasoning. I know that I wick a 3" diameter Status jar with a CDN 12-14. You mentioned that your wick nearly drowned during testing, so I'd want to wick up a little from the cotton core. It appears that the container height of your jar (the actual wax height) is about the same but the diameter of the jar is smaller; therefore, I'd try a CDN 8-10 and/or a CD 10 (I always shoot for the smallest size wick I can use that gives a good hot throw, doesn't create too much heating of the container, and does a reasonably good job of cleaning the sides by the end of the candle).

Wicks Unlimited has more information on the "stats" of the wicks, so I'd take a look at the ROC of the cotton core currently being used and the CD/CDN and RRD.




The ROC of the size cotton core you are using is listed as .16

A Stabilo (CD) 6 is .17

A RRD 34 NST2 is .19

Those sizes appear to be the most comparable in terms of ROC.

So If I simply wanted to try a different wick type, and had no experience to help guide my decision, I'd try a size that had a similar ROC to the wick I was currently using. If I wanted to wick up a little, I'd choose one with a slightly higher ROC; to wick down, I'd try one with a slightly lower ROC.

This is how I'd arrive at my guesstimate, realizing that charts are based on paraffin and that different wicks have different burn characteristics and properties. I'd order a sample pack for the wicks I'd like to try so that if my guesstimate is off, I can try other sizes. Unfortunately, a range of 3-4 sizes is not uncommon, so the sample packs are worth their weight in gold. Good luck & HTH :)

Edited by Stella1952
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That ROC info is so helpful! Stella you have single handedly made wicks make sense!

So when I buy my next wicks for testing I will pick up some of the wicks that work better in palm wax in the same ROC as I've been using and slightly bigger and I should have close to perfect wicking . . if I guessed right . . . and if not I'll know what direction to go with the wicks. I suspect that if I were to just use a wick that likes my wax more & is the same size it would work really well because I'm happy with the amount of wax that is melting but there is alot of flicker & it did go out once, but not so bad I had to fish the wick out of the wax or anything so I also may need to go up a size.

This is nice and not overly daunting. I like having a next step that makes sense!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you.

If I ever get my wick testing supplies (shipment is taking forever!) and all my FOs I'm planning similar style candles for each of the elements. I'll use clear marbles for air, shells for water, and lava rock for fire. I'm glad you like them.

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