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adding Ewax to salt and/or sugar scrub.......


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Do you think adding the ewax to either of these would help keep the oils emulsified instead of having the oils float on top?

I'm wanting a sugar and/or salt scrub that I don't have to mix each time I want to use it, KWIM? ;)

I've never used the ewax but I know that it's supposed to be an emulsifier right? So I'm just curious if this would help with what I'm wanting?

I guess I could just try it and see, but if someone else had tried it and is willing to share their experience, welllllll..... you know. ;):blush:

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Thanks Bunny, do you know what a good starting point would be? I'm clueless of course cuz I've never used it, and I just melt it to add it in to my other ingredients right?

I've got all these new goodies this week, so I can make quick Christmas gifts-yah right! :rolleyes: My problem is that I'm always procrastinating, so here it is down to the wire and I'm just now trying to "fix" my sugar and salt scrubs. :rolleyes: LOL

I guess I work harder/faster under major time constraints though, cuz I usually do get a lot done this way believe it or not. LOL ;)

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Yes, Jenny I just noticed in your ingredients (on the back of my very own Kristine's Shower sugar scrub ;) ) that you use ewax in it. :D

Ok, I tried this at 5% and OMG it came out almost rock hard, glad I didn't start with the 10% (which just seemed like a lot to me). It's still usuable, it's just a bit harder to dig your finger in it to get it out. LOL

Does anyone put SLSa in theirs? I put some in mine (definitely understand why someone said to wear a mask while using this *cough cough*) and it gives it a little lather and seems to help "emulsify" a bit. ;)

I may need to add a bit of distilled water to this to get it moving more so, but I'm definitely not throwing out (have a whole 18oz. of it).

I made the next batch without the e-wax but with the SLSa and that's how I noticed that it does actually help with the oils (they're not pooling at the top as much).

Anyway, I'm still trying to perfect it, but in the mean time, all my family are getting the batch withOUT the ewax. ;) They are my testers so they know when I give them something there's always a chance the next time they try it it will be different. LOL

I LOVE Jenny's sugar scrub, not only does it work wonderfully, but it's sooooo dang purdy!! It's all swirled colored-how'd you do that girl??!! :D

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Sorry it took me so long to get back here and answer you!

We take the frosting that we make and manually spoon it into the jars so it looks like it's all swirly. I have always loved that look and we sell tons of it at the retail because of the pretty colors too.

Get 'em in with the look and keep 'em with the quality :grin2:

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