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Tart Warmers


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I'm having an open house in a couple weeks, just family and friends, but I wanted to have a couple tart warmers on hand to use and also to sell. I also make wickless candles, so I was looking for some candle warmers too. Christmas themed warmers would be a great product to have on hand.

Anyone having any suggestions as to where to buy, relatively inexpensive, though good quality warmers?


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Having the warmers is a great idea! They sell extremely well for us =)

Depending on how many you are looking for would depend on where you would go. OBI is amazing but minimum order of $100.00, they do dropship so you can get just a couple if needed, but you pay a bit more for that. Merch Mart is decent but their customer service IMO sucks and out of the 2 cases we have got from them (24) 9 of them were damaged in shipping and it was a pain to deal with them to find a resolution (they ended up giving us a $8.00 credit on our next order which we never made). Haven't ordered from them but we have looked at LV or it might be LG, they have some nice different warmers but again, minimum order of I think its either $50 or $100.

Hope this helps you some and best of luck! =)

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Thanks for the suggestions! Candles and Supplies had some really cute snowman and santa warmers, so I ordered a couple of those. I have a few coming from Bitter Creek this week, but since it's a Christmas open house, I was looking for Christmasy warmers. Found them and not at a bad price either. :)

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Thanks for the suggestions! Candles and Supplies had some really cute snowman and santa warmers, so I ordered a couple of those. I have a few coming from Bitter Creek this week, but since it's a Christmas open house, I was looking for Christmasy warmers. Found them and not at a bad price either. :)

Christmas warmers did not sell as well for me. Customers that already have a few warmers might buy one but first timers want one to use all the time. Better get a bunch of them in.

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I had some of the snowmen warmers (like what candles and supplies has) but mine came from OBI and they had blue as well as red snowmen. And not to mention they were half the price as what C&S is asking. They are out of them and have been for awhile but I was hoping they would have some more as I'm making a trip to OBI next week and would have loved to have gotten some for next year. I have 1 left, people grabbed these things up!! And as for the plain colored warmers I have sold every single one. For some reason people are buying these things like crazy right now. Maybe it's the holidays or maybe they are seeing the price of the Scentsy warmers at these shows b/c they have bought me out. I have one last show next weekend for the year and it is a HUGE one so I gotta get more warmers!! But yes OBI is the way to go, I think they have the best prices atleast that I have seen and they are in driving distance from me so I can stock up and not get killed in shipping.

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they are in driving distance from me so I can stock up and not get killed in shipping.

Even with the shipping from OBI, you can't beat their prices and selection. There are a few manufactures we had found before and contacted in China, but got as far as cost on the warmers themselves ($1.00 - $1.90 each) but thought after customs, taxes, and who knows what else that we were better off just with OBI lol =)

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Yes you do have to signup with them to see the prices. Do you have a tax ID #? You must have one to sign up with OBI. Eccolights, yes even with the shipping they do have the best prices but since I am not far from them I can drive there and get double the product for what it would cost me in shipping as opposed to getting less product for the price of what it cost me in gas to drive there. I think that made sense.. I just woke up...lol Have you used the dropshippng? Are there any advantages to that as opposed to regular shipping or picking them up there?

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Yes you do have to signup with them to see the prices. Do you have a tax ID #? You must have one to sign up with OBI. Eccolights, yes even with the shipping they do have the best prices but since I am not far from them I can drive there and get double the product for what it would cost me in shipping as opposed to getting less product for the price of what it cost me in gas to drive there. I think that made sense.. I just woke up...lol Have you used the dropshippng? Are there any advantages to that as opposed to regular shipping or picking them up there?

We are in Ohio and have been thinking a nice little road trip to OBI would be a fun day trip =) Would love to see their shop in action =)

As for the drop shipping we did use it when we did Ebay for the warmers, but it got so dang cut throat over there that the few bucks we made each sale wasn't even worth the trouble and fees from Ebay/PayPal... But as for the drop shipping it was amazing! I'd say we sold over 100 of them and drop shipped them and have maybe 5 issues that came up (broken bulb, broken tray, fault dimmer switch) each and every time a simple call into OBI, tell them what order, what happened and they sent replacements without any questions what so ever =)

Only down side to the drop shipping we found was the time it took. They only ship out the DS items 2 days a week, so someone ordered a warmer on Friday evening and we couldn't ship it till Tuesday, then it took around a week to get from coast to coast (with FedEx) Never had any complaints on shipping times but when we ship our things out either the next day or 2 days, it just seemed a long time..... Then the issue of say someone bought the warmer and a few packs of tarts... .they get 2 packages and it just didn't look right to us IMO

HTH you some =)

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