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Soapers what do you think


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Maybe the best thing for you to do is just to try the recipe. What I think Bunny was trying to say is that it's difficult to judge sometimes what will work together in a recipe until you try it. I know you're probably trying to save yourself money from testing it and discovering it's not so great, but that is probably the foremost reason why doing B&B can be an expensive hobby and business endeavor. Sometimes you just have to do things on your own to see what results, and work on improving it from there. I'm not saying don't ask for recipes or help, heaven knows I've been on the recieving end of that spoon before, but I think it's a little bit much to post recipes expecting everyone else to run them thru calculators to see "how they will be" when sometimes it's just dang hard to tell..until the recipe is made and used.

Edited to give you this recipe that I've tried and love :)

Cold Process Goats Milk Soap

Makes 4 lbs. Weigh all ingredients,

following basic cold process method.

8 oz. distilled water (cold)

8 oz. goat milk (cold)

6.5 oz. lye (sodium hydroxide)

8 oz. palm oil

17 oz. coconut 76 oil

17 oz. olive oil

1 oz grapefruit seed extract

2-3 ozs. essential oil

Mix the distilled water and goat milk together in a container. Add the lye to the water/goat milk mixture and watch as it turns a tan color. Stir in all the lye. Let sit about 10 minutes. Don't be concerned about the temperature of the lye mixture or oils mixture. Prepare your oils, add lye/water/goat milk mixture to the oils. The lye/water/goat milk mixture will look curdled, stir and add it to the pot of oils. Using a stick blender mix well and continue through to trace. Add grapefruit seed extract as a preservative and any scent you like. We've chosen Ginger Essential Oil for a wonderful "Zen" scent. Pour into your mold, cover and let set 20-24 hrs. Cure cut soap for 4 weeks. (I use a relaxation blend for scent and sometimes just OMH scent)

Goats milk soap has a creamy smooth texture and is very nourishing for your skin.

These folks have some great recipes for CP and MP... if you follow the Cold PRocess recipe link above you can get to their site to check it out.

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Well, lets see. I love avocado and sunflower in soap. I don't like shea and soybean oil. Those are just personal love/hates, nothing about is it good/bad.

It would be kind of high in coconut for me, it would be drying, I don't usually go over 10% unless I've got lots of really conditioning oils and a higher superfat than usual.

Looks like it has the possibility to be a good bar.

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Thanks for the replys. I guess I wasn't expecting anyone to run it thru the calculator, I have already done that. I have been doing B&B for over a year now, just not soap. I should have probably explained myself better in that what I was wanting to know was stuff like was that too much coconut and not enough of something else, would it make a drying soap or a conditioning soap etc. I have looked at so many recipes on the net and don't know what to try. I understand about testing and expense, trust me! If DH knew how much I had spent over the last year YIKES. I live in a pretty rural area and about the only thing I can buy locally is canola oil and (eat your hearts out;) ) I still don't have a problem finding Red Devil Lye so I guess I just hate to waste my precious ingredients on a recipe that would more than likely be destined to fail from the beginning.

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Coconut is high for my taste, and I usually dont go over 10% on soybean oil, it can make the bar soft. I would try a 1lb batch in a small box or martha mold and try it. You can always fiddle with the oil from there, btw supposibly canola is a nice sub for olive.

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