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Considering doing a craft show

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I have been reading the posts about the craft shows and I'm considering doing one myself. I have searched and found a few in my area but I am wondering if my candles would sell.

My question to those who do the shows is, 'Do you think my candles would sell at a craft show? '

The reason I ask is because they are targeted to a very specific group, not like many of you with many colors and scents. I would have my Air Force, Army, and Marine candles available.

What do you think? Thanks for you input.

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Your buyers -

People that have served or still serve in the military.

Wives/girlfriends of the above

Friends of the above

Only problem is some buyers would look at your stuff as the perfect gift but may not be familiar with service rank. Selling in sets should help. JMO

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Yep as a (now out) military wife from a military town I can see them doing REALLY well here. I'd see people picking them up as gifts and for themselves... especially military wives/girlfriends who miss their guys.

Are you in a big military area? I'm very close to a huge AF base and we used to live right by a huge navy base so the client base for something like this would be there.. but away from a base im not so sure

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As a civilian (but my Mom was in the Army for 21 years), I don't know that you would reach enough people who are friends/family with military at local craft shows...

As mentioned above, an air show, or show at/near a base will help with that, but your products are for a VERY specific target base.

I would look into your local VFW to see if they have any events, branch recruiting centers to see if they have events/ can sell them. Maybe even Army/ Navy stores where military purchase some of their supplies... Fire department shows may not be bad, either.

Just not sure if traditional craft shows will have enough of your target....


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I say go for it. Yes you have a niche product but I think it's a great product.

Yes there would be a larger market near a base or something that supports the American Legion, VFW or an honor flight. But you're never going to know if you don't go try it. For the record this is not my full time job it's my "fun" job. With that being said - I actually like the slower shows. It gives me an opportunity to spend more time with the customer and let them know what stores they can find my products in locally.

As a matter of fact I need one of these for my nephew's Christmas gift. Where do I order?

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You never know until you try. So go for it. Many, many people know someone (family or friend) who has been in the service at some point in their lives.

After you do one you can decide whether shows are your "cup of tea."

As far as being rank specific, I agree it may be a tad confusing. I bet you could always design something more generic for each branch ... maybe a flag outline with the sevice branch Motto? Now remember (if you ever get into developing a line like that) I get the first Semper Fi !

Another idea I had ~ just make a mold of the saluting guy on your display placard and pour it in different colors so no one would have to worry about getting the wrong rank ... but then I'd be after you to make one with a skirt! :rolleyes2

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Each of you has mentioned something that I have thought of already. Limited customer base, I do not live near a base (wishing I did), confusion of family members not knowing their friend's or family member's rank, supporting a cause, etc. But I think you are right, I will not know unless I try !

The show is at the National Guard Armory so maybe that will be a draw for military people too. So what the heck I’ll register and see what happens.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

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I like your thinking Judy - I'll be second in line for the Semper Fi ! I agree on the rank confusion - I have to check with my SIL to see what I would need.

As far as being rank specific, I agree it may be a tad confusing. I bet you could always design something more generic for each branch ... maybe a flag outline with the sevice branch Motto? Now remember (if you ever get into developing a line like that) I get the first Semper Fi !

Another idea I had ~ just make a mold of the saluting guy on your display placard and pour it in different colors so no one would have to worry about getting the wrong rank ... but then I'd be after you to make one with a skirt! :rolleyes2

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I like the idea of buying a candle to support our troops. I really think marketing them with a donation in mind would help you sell them. You could donate a percentage to an armed services group. Set up your booth with pictures and stuff relating to the servicemen & women; flags, posters, medals, etc.

Call a local VFW and see if they have any ideas or items they might lend you to help with your booth or if you can give them some of your sale money as the donation.

Edited by Candybee
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Being a total noob to candles and more or less to this board I've not seem much more than your sig in regards to what you do so I don't know if you've already resolved this or not, in regards to branch only related candles. The symbols/names are actually trademark/copyright of the branch of service. I design cards as well and had a bunch of problems with "welcome home" and "thank you/support our troops" cards that were too specific and mentioned branches (namely the Marines). I haven't had a chance to try to figure out WHO there to contact in regards to using the name/symbol. I use a third party vendor to make/ship the cards and they were the ones that told me about the issues/took the cards out of the offering. I totally get the idea of TM and copyright protection and am all for it, but was a little surprised to have a problem with that particular line (if I had the option I would just forfeit my commissions on them and reduce the cost by that amount, but I don't so maybe it is because I make money-although not a lot-on them). Just an FYI.

One other thought is to get involved with a group that sends care packages to deployed soldiers and offer a drop off at your booth, then advertise this before the show (I've seen people noting shows on craigslist, maybe there or bulletin boards, etc). While I am totally behind the idea of donations, I don't know your profit margin so this would be something that people could feel involved with, without effecting your bottom line. You could also have cards at your booth for people to sign that could be included in the packages, they wouldn't be overly expensive either. Just another thought.

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Addressing the licensing of the Eagle, Globe & Anchor. The basic information can be found here: http://www.usmc.mil/unit/divpa/tmlo/Pages/commercial.aspx

Yes, USMC and the Emblem are subject to Licensing. That's why I recommended the flag (public domain), the saluting soldier (imagine he already has the rights since it's on the sign), and Semper Fi !

It is fairly easy to get a licensing agreement. Just have to fill out the paperwork and send them a sample .. I think the fee is based on the volume of sales. Very little for hobby crafters who vend OOAK ... larger fees for those mass produced items.


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