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I need a really strong Praline any ideas?


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They have lots of great scents. This is a list of some that I have tested extensively in GG and Feather palm. Should be similiar in Soy.

Vanilla Hazelnut - great classic bakery scent

Christmas Tree - great CT and HT

Cinnamon Buns - very strong CT

Hansel and Gretel's House - excellent HT in Feather and GG!!!

Pumpkin Souffle - my favorite bakery scent (next to H & G House)

Honeysuckle Jasmine - Great HT and CT (also mixed with Rose)

Cranberry Marmalade - strong

Dragon's Blood - a classic that throws great

BTW - have the Caramelized Praline, not in wax yet, but OOB may be a winner

This is just a partial list of some I have finished testing. There are other good ones that I am still testing.




Edited by Wessex
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I also recommend their Carmelized Pralines. Very strong and yummy!

Big sellers for me this time of year are:

Cranberry Marmalade

Pumpkin Souffle

Honeysuckle Jasmine

any of their lavenders



MacIntosh Apple

any of their cinnamon or cinnamon blends; Cinnamon Stick, Red Hot Cinnamon, Cinnamon Buns

Apple Jack & Peel

Holly Berry

Hanzel & Gretels House

Those are ones off the top of my head. Their 3 leaf fragrance rating system is pretty spot on. Go by that if you are looking for strong oils.

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Most def Caramelized pralines...its a HUGE seller and throws like crazy in 464.

I buy and sell tons of:

Honeysuckle Jasmine

Blueberry Cheesecake

Strudel and Spice

Hansel and Gretel

No one mentions it much, but white tea and berries I can't keep up with!

Chardonay (I renamed it Meet me in the Shower and sells like you wouldn't believe)

Cinnamon Buns

Cranberry marmalade (must have)


Holly Berry


Love spell

Smoke and Odor

Strawberry Shortcake (spring and summer huge seller)


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