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My soap is sweating!!!


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OK so what exactly is zap? Is it safe to try it? I did wipe it with a paper towel and hoping it seeps back in. When I cut the bars it has a swirl going on on the inside, is this the gel phase? So many questions for my first batch of soap. If it is zap what do I do, and how do I avoid it next time?

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I am NOT suggesting you do this. Some soap makers test for "zap," now you may want to sit down, by licking the soap. The zap feels kind of like when you touch your tongue to a 9v battery. It zaps. I am NOT suggesting you do this.

A better way is to get some litmus paper and test the sweat to determine the pH.

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So, did you lick your soap or happen to have the correct litmus paper laying about?

Here's what I would do: let it sit a couple of weeks. Give it a chance to cure. If you can wait, give it 30 days. I have soap that I made about 5 years ago still sitting where I put them to cure. Through 110 degree summers and 40 degree winters, 5 years unprotected, standing like naked soldiers. Yeah, I know, you don't need to tell me... anyway, the soap is P.H.E.N.O.M.E.N.A.L! Color has faded, but pretty. Scent is strong. Soap gets better with age.

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It is curing at my parents house as I moved and all my supplies are there. I will check it tomorrow but am not so thrilled about licking it. What kind of paper is it and where do I get it? So if it does zap can it still be used after it cures? Also what causes this?

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Oh, forgot to answer the questions.

I can't tell if the soap is good. If you are concerned that it is dangerous, only way to know is by testing pH. If it doesn't zap, it probably isn't dangerous. I'd let if cure and then use it to wash hands a few times. If your hands don't show signs of irritation (although could be caused by something other than the lye,) try it in the shower.

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Litmus paper comes in pink and blue. Both are treated with dyes that change color. Blue litmus paper turns red when exposed to acidic environments, red litmus paper turns blue when exposed to basic environments. Lye is a base or alkali. You can get a little kit that has the paper strips and a chart that will tell you how alkali your soap sweat is. You can also test the soap itself by either dissolving a bit of soap in distilled water or testing the lather.

You can get the strips on Amazon, lots of places. Your soap supplier may even have them.

The sweat can be caused by a few things:

1. Fragrance oils come out of solution and pool. FO's will try to get out of the soap itself. They are made with volatile substances that do not want to stay mixed with others or want to vaporize. You want the fo's to do this to some extent. When you smell a bar of soap, you are smelling the volatile substances. I have soaps that have very little fragrance until used in the shower. When the soap is dissolved in water, the fragrance can get out of the solution and therefore be smelled.

2. During the saponification process, glycerine is created. Glycerin is hygroscopic, meaning it readily takes up or retains moisture. The sweat could be glycerin pulling moisture form the air.

3. Thin trace or lack of emulsion. You stir & stir so that the oils and lye solution form an emulsion (trace.) If you didn't stir long enough, had a false trace, or the soap fell out of solution (became un-emulsified) then you could have water pooling. But it doesn't sound like this is happening to your soap.

Since you didn't use any fragrance, I'd say it is caused by the glycerin pulling moisture from the air.

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zaps not that big of a deal.. lol, i test every single batch for zap by touching my tounge to it. Dont lick it like an ice cream cone.. you just barely touch your tongue to one of the bars (I dont lick any of the ones I'm going to sell, lol):laugh2:

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:I got an instant visual.....

I have been tempted to do the Zap test to some I know is not ready..... No I am not a freak, just curious what it would actually feel like. Since I mostly make HP, I have never been Zapped.

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LOL I know.. total visual, right? haha. I can imagine since we say "lick" the soap... someone might not realize you are supposed to just barely touch it. You dont even have to lick the soap.. you can get the bar wet and touch a bit to your tongue

its not that bad :) it really is just like... a sharp pinch or zap.. its really really not bad. but it would be if you like.. shoved the bar in your mouth hahaha

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