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my first failed batch???


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Might have to switch to powder because I think I have my first "failed" batch :sad2:. I used liquid, I do have powder in my house, but all my research was saying liquid. What do you mix yours with to make a "think slurry"

I posted this in another tread of mine, but thought I would start a new one to get some help/advise.

Here is what I did with my "failed batch" I took my water amount and "cut" it in half for the amount to mix my lye with. The other half was being left out for my goat milk amount.

it traced really quick and the cooking also went really quick (got to the mash potatoes stages within 10 mins!!!!) I also almost had my first boil over because picked up my bowls and spoons to wash up and when I got back from washing and as I sat down in my chair to watch the cooking, i heard it starting to hit my cover!!! I took the bowl out of the crock pot heating thing to add the goats milk and it turned instantly this icky dark orange/brown color. Couldn't even get it to take color to practice swirling.

So, we will see how this turns out. It still felt and looked the same while putting it into my mold. I'm wondering since it cooked so fast if its still going to be a little acid where it will have to cure like cp before using. (Might get to feel my first zap as well :))

Anybody have any suggestions on what I may have done wrong to turn it that orange color?

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Rebecca don't cut your water in half when doing HP hold out about 1 1/2 ounces of Distilled water for the end use the 1 1/2 - two ounces of water to put a spoon full of powdered goatsmilk and make a thick slurry with it use a whisk to make sure it is mixed well.

Barbara AL

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Tried using the little bit of water and powdered goats milk. It worked BEAUTIFULLY!!!! Mixed well into the soap and no nasty orange color!!!!! Not sure about the color I used to try swirling yet. I used green and I'm not sure that color likes hp soap. We will see:)

The best part is, if the cured soap feels as good as the little bit I got on my hands while getting it into the mold, we have a winner!!!!! It will be the recipe I use for my main soap line!!! (as long as it works taking FO and essential oils. Have not tried that yet :))

Only took 5 unscented batches to find my recipe. 6 if you count the failed batch, but I did the zap test this morning on the failed batch and no zap, so I tried it in the shower. Its soap, just looks nasty :) I'm being optimistic that the cured soap will feel as good as the fresh/warm stuff.

THANK-YOU for your help.

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