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guess what they are scenting now?

Sharon in KY

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Those look and sound nice! I like the idea. But it makes me wonder if the oil will eventually attract dirt and dust to the yarn fibers? And what are micro-encapsulated EOs?!!:confused: They must be treated with something that dries the oil at least on the surface -or- are the yarn skeins just dipped in a EO solution?

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From various websites and patent info that I could find on the web looks like the microencapsulated essential oils were primarily invented for use in agriculture in pesticides as a periodic release delivery system.

So I assume the encapsulated essential oil will release periodically over time allowing it to work sort of like an appetite control time release capsule. Now how did someone come up with the idea of using an agriculture pesticide based product as a time release scent for home use in yarns?

Here's some info I got from Fresh Patents.com:


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