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Question about mushrooming wicks

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I've been using hemp wicks because they burn the best for me in my soy containers.My only issue with them is the mushrooming wicks.I know there is no way to keep them from doing it,but before each burn can you just trim the mushroom top off and light it?It might sound like a silly question,but I was just wondering that after doing this a few times if the candle might not burn the same or would there would eventually be nothing left of the wick.Any thoughts?

Edited by CandleMakinCutiePie
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Because the hemp is such a rigid core, that's why you get the mushrooms. I used hemp years ago when I first started and really liked them except for those huge shroons, so I switched to LX.

Yes you really need to trim them off when they start getting large as your flame gets hot and your container can also get too hot. Just don't trim down too far, or your wick may not be able to do it's job. Hemp is also one of the cooler burning wicks, like zinc. :cool2:

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but before each burn can you just trim the mushroom top off and light it? It might sound like a silly question,but I was just wondering that after doing this a few times if the candle might not burn the same or would there would eventually be nothing left of the wick.Any thoughts?

Yes, the wick should be trimmed before each lighting. As the wax is consumed more wick will be exposed and may mushroom at the lit end. Yes there will be little or no wick left ~ but there will also be little or no wax left either.

Hope that helps!

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I've been using hemp wicks because they burn the best for me in my soy containers.My only issue with them is the mushrooming wicks. I know there is no way to keep them from doing it, but before each burn can you just trim the mushroom top off and light it?

Shrooms are not an inevitability. You might need to test other wicks. Sure, you can trim, but the idea is to try to find a wick for your system that doesn't shroom. The heat produced from shrooming can skew test results, so please try some other wick types and sizes before you settle for this.

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Stella, do you really think there is a wick that doesnt mushroom?

I have tried so many with and without scents and colour but they all mushroom more or less. I'm using the same soy as CandleMakinCutiePie

Sorry but what does skew mean( I'm Dutch):laugh2:

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Skew basically means that the results will be distorted or not true. It will throw the results off to various degrees. My Dutch is very rusty (German is better) but I think it is similiar to "vervornem", but I don't have a dictionary handy.



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Hi Steve,

Thanks for helping me out here.


Your from the Netherlands or your parents?

I think you mean "vervormen"" and that could be correct!

German I understand as well.

So wenn the wick mushrooms it will turn up the heat. Could that be right? That is what I see. I see it as a plus also allthough I dont like the sight of it though!!

Dont know what else could be done to avoid it.

Go a wick up in size?

Like I said I have tried different wicks and I think that i have found a wick that burns to the sides and leave just a bitt of hang up is great allready after testing for 9 months.

But I'm here to learn so if you or someone else can teach me more about candlemaking that would be greatly apreciated!!!! :bow:


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Anita ~ if you have tested many wicks and think this works the best for you keep using it.

I think your first question was "Is this normal for a hemp wick?" and yes, hemp wicks will mushroom. Just trim it before you light it off every time. Making the wick size larger or smaller will not make the mushroom go away. There are some wicks that curl (they look like the english lower case R ®. They are made not to mushroom.

If the mushroom bothers you - you will need to continue testing. If you let us know what wicks you have already tested we may be able to suggest some different ones.

Edited by Judy, USMC
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