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wow... the difference in authors!!!


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I've been checking out soap making books and reading. (Deciding what books I actually want to buy and to just gain knowledge) Came across my first book that actually said to put water to lye (instead of the lye to water that everybody keeps harping into your brain):shocked2::shocked2::shocked2:!!!!

At least she says to use a jar at least twice the size of your final water/lye solution to contain the "boil up".:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Looks like this will not be a book I purchase (unless it has great recipes)

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IMO, you can't go wrong with Anne Watson's Smart Soapmaking, Susan Miller Cavitch's Soapmaker's Companion, or Alicia Grosso's The Everything Soapmaking Book. But just like anything, double check your recipes through a soap calc, because typos can and do happen. Also, Sandy Maine has some nice books, she only uses one soap recipe (crisco, olive and coconut) and the oils are easy to find. And the pictures in her books are lovely.

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My favorite ones that I have read was Everything Soapmaking (Alicia Grosso) , Natural Soap Book and the Soapmaker's compainion (both by Susan Miller Cavitch). They seem very informative and the most helpful in their writting. I will probably end up purchasing at least one of those three (probably Alicia's book first)

I have disliked handmade soap (by tatyana hill) and Making Soap for Fun and Profit (by Linda Inlow). They are not bad books, but their writting styles and/or how they make the soap just doesn't seem like it would suite me.

My for fun dreaming soap book I have read is making transparent soap by Catherine Failor. I think once I master HP, CP, and liquid soap, I may try transparent soap. It looks cool and fun to make.:)

So it looks like I'm on track for books:yay::yay::yay:

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You can always go to the library and check out the soap making books before you buy them. I do that all the time and if I really like a book I will go on amazon and buy the used ones for a few bucks plus shipping.

I checked out a few soapmaking books about a month ago but things have gotten crazy here and I did not even get to really read them...just looked through. :sad2:

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