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Help! Candles Caving In... See pix...

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Hi Everybody,

I have made over 20 tests on different days, at different temps and everything. All of my jar candles come out nice and smooth but there is always one cave in on top. Is there a word for this cave in? I don't know how to trouble shoot is. I have tried Stearic Acid, Coconut oil but nothing works! I am using cb135 and as I said I have tried all different pour temps and fo add in temps.

Any input would be appreciated. Here are pix....






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Looks like you are pouring just above the shoulder line on your jars. Try pouring just below and that will help some. You can also try pouring at cooler temps to see if that will also help. For the ones that turn out like the ones in your pics your heat gun can be your best friend!

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Thanks guys! You guys rock...I 'm about to post another question. Candle making should be called candle alchemy ;-)

Ok so I tried all types of pour temps so I am thinking it does have something to do with the line I pour up to. With these type of containers, is it okay to pour way below (a couple of mm) the curve/shoulder line or should I be pouring above the shoulder to just where the bottom of the plastic apothecary lid ends- I guess that would just squish the wick but it looks so empty without filling it at least until just below the shoulder line. :sad2:

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Thanks guys! You guys rock...I 'm about to post another question. Candle making should be called candle alchemy ;-)

Ok so I tried all types of pour temps so I am thinking it does have something to do with the line I pour up to. With these type of containers, is it okay to pour way below (a couple of mm) the curve/shoulder line or should I be pouring above the shoulder to just where the bottom of the plastic apothecary lid ends- I guess that would just squish the wick but it looks so empty without filling it at least until just below the shoulder line. :sad2:

See my previous post. I think it will help your 'sinking' wax if you pour just under the shoulder/curve of the jar. Helped me with mine.

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