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Do I have Candle Nose?

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Hi everybody,

I am new to all of this and I can tell there is lots to learn. Anyways I have been testing and it seems the tests are endless. I have been using GB464 and CB135. I can only seem to smell the cold throw. I never can smell the hot throw but when the candle is put out and the wax begins to cool is when I can start smelling it. Does that make sense that I can't smell it while it is burning for 3 or 4 hours but as soon as it goes out I can? It is almost like the flame is sucking up the scent... Am I crazy or has anyone else experienced this?


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wow that was quick for a reply :-). I have tried different sizes of the eco wicks but no other kind. ( eco 14 for my 3.5 inch 10.5oz jars)

You are completely right- If I had candle nose, I wouldn't be able to smell the cold either- my flame IS eating my scents :sad2:

I wanted to use wicks that had a vegetable wax coating and no metal. Any suggestions?

Thank you so much!

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There are some wicks that will burn too hot for your wax combination and consume much of the scent as it burns. Thus you end up with a candle with little to no hot scent throw. As soon as you extinguish the candle then you can smell the scent from the melt pool. Its a typical sign of an improperly wicked candle.

Solution-- try another wick.

Just because you get a nice burn does not always mean that its properly wicked. You want a great scent throw, full wax consumption, and good flame height. If your candle is a container candle you also want it not too hot to the touch after its been burning for a while.

I always check out this site and study the wicks and burn info when selecting wicks for my candles: www.wicksunlimited.com. It will teach you a lot about proper wicking and the different types of wicks and what each does and the burn/flame specifics.

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Hi, For my small containers I use ECo wicks as well and really they have a great scent throw. I use US fragrances not UK they do not work with my 135 CB. The ecowicks should work.

Also how much scent do you use?

I also use RRD wicks I haven tried the HTP wicks because they are hard to get hold of here.

I want to place a picture with that candle but cant get it to insert it....


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