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biting the bullet and getting a credit card processer. now a stupid question

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I'm finally breaking down and getting a credit card processor. I have been doing research on them actually since Feb, but they were always so expensive and not having that much in sales yet, couldn't justify paying the monthly fee (cheapest I found was $10 a month, making 120 a year!!!) Found out about propay a few weeks ago and even though the per transaction fee is higher, decided I'm just going to use them for at least the first year.

So, now... can I just use my regular carbonless 2 form paper that I use for sales to write down their credit card transactions (writting the last 4 on their slip and the whole part on mine, unless I can get on the internet at shows and can enter the card right then) and then have them sign that or does it actually have to be special credit card paper. I can't find that information anywhere, so it might not be a probelm then.


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I still manually enter CC transactions on my website. So I take my knucklebuster and credit card slips to my craft shows and markets. I wouldn't trust handwriting the number because you can be in a hurry or unable to read it hours later when you are entering payments online at home or the office. Ask me how I know.

Its real important that you can imprint and legibly read the CC number & card expiration date, and purchase date. Plus its a legal document, easily recognizable, and has the customers signature. CC slips are simple to use and pretty cheap to buy online. Or you can get them at your bank too.

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Just make sure that, whatever you do, you do NOT write down their security code (or store it in any way, for that matter.) Doing such is punishable by a fine of $50,000 for the first offense and $100,000 for the second offense. Good thing is, Propay doesn't require it to process a transaction so you really don't need it.

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Just make sure that, whatever you do, you do NOT write down their security code (or store it in any way, for that matter.) Doing such is punishable by a fine of $50,000 for the first offense and $100,000 for the second offense. Good thing is, Propay doesn't require it to process a transaction so you really don't need it.

Thanks, I did not know that!!! Part of me is leaning twards buying that encripter storer thing, but don't know if I want to spend the $100 for it, plus the yearly fee for it.

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Just make sure that, whatever you do, you do NOT write down their security code (or store it in any way, for that matter.) Doing such is punishable by a fine of $50,000 for the first offense and $100,000 for the second offense. Good thing is, Propay doesn't require it to process a transaction so you really don't need it.

Ditto what he said.

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I had my own merchant number for years. However, when I finally checked into Propay, I found GREAT benefits. All of my charges were under their merchant number. So if there is a chargeback, they get the headache. Also, the annual fee is MUCH CHEAPER than just the fees from my merchant account. I can call in for auth if I am at a show, or do it online for online orders. I am very happy with Propay!!

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