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Goat Milk


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Quick question,

I always freeze my goats milk into cubes makes measuring easy. Just got more milk from my milk lady, one of the quarts is a little curdly and smells a bit like butter.

I did go ahead and make soap with this goat milk - is this going to be ok?? Will it have a greater chance of making the soap go bad??

Thanks much, Vanessa

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A lot of milk will separate a bit when thawing. Just whisk it back together. One of my best soaps is made with sour milk and it turns out just fine. The milk is not going to spoil in CP or HP soap.

When I freeze my milk, I freeze in quart dannon yogurt containers since a batch of soap for me uses that amount. I guess I make too much soap to use ice cube trays. I only use frozen milk when I don't have fresh cold fluid milk from the goaties. Still feeding bottle babies so I am currently dipping into my frozen stash. Soap all looks the same when finished - frozen or just cold.

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I had something happen today that I want to ask about. When I added lye to my goats milk, it turned orange!!!!!!! I thought about trying to use it, but it smelled more like perm solution than the way lye usually smells, so I finally decided to just pitch it. Have you ever had that happen and would it have been alright to use it? I certainly would not have needed to use dye!!!!! LOL

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It turns orange when your temp exceeds 100 degrees. I place a stainless steel bowl down into a nest of ice cubes and place a thermometer down in the milk. Then you slowly add the lye and hold off whenever the temp begins to climb toward the 100 mark. The majority of the time my milk looks golden but occasionally it turns a little orange. The smell is gonna be there regardless; go ahead and use it and the smell fades away. Vanilla and some other fos will increase your temp so be careful and watch your temp. I pour up after my base temp rises 2 degrees and never go for a gel on a milk soap. HTH.


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I use fresh GM and have on occasion ended up with really orange color but it doesn't show in the final product. Or at least my soap was fine. I don't usually freeze my milk but use cold GM and add my lye slowly so I rarely get a dark orange. usually a nice yellow. When I have to dip into my frozen milk stash the finished soap doesn't look any different than the soap I make using cold GM. I have never noticed a perm smell but then I don't look for it so who knows.

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