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Please recommend wick samples

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:cheesy2:Hi ladies! I'm new to candle making and LOVE this site. Could someone please recommend the best wick samples for me to order for my container wax? I use IGI 4630 and my supplier lives only 10 miles from me so I buy everything from her. She said wicks (50) 44-32-18z works with everything. It works great with some scents, Creme Brulee and Bird of Paradise, but everything else barely has a hot throw. I've studied everything you ladies have said and realize there's lots of testing which I expect, but I'm on disability and needing to supplement my income so I chose learning to make candles. They sell GREAT in my area in Pt. Arthur Tx. But do not have the money to invest in every wick with so many. If you could narrow me down to a few I could start there with the right sample packages. I appreciate any help and look forward to the new friends and someday helping someone else! God Bless! Also my containers are 8 oz jars, some decorative, and 10 oz.

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I use 51z in my jelly jars with my parasoy blend. I used to use the 44z and had problems with either the scent throw or the wick fading out. So I switched to the larger 51z and no more problems. The great thing about the z wicks is they burn cooler than cotton wicks so the glass stayed cool to the touch, my flames burn consistently, and I get a great scent throw with the 51z. The down side of z wicks are they are prone to mushrooming but that can be fixed by keeping the wick trimmed.

You may still find that certain FOs won't work at all in your wax. Happens with every wax thats why we test each scent to find what works. But using the 4630 you should have a high success rate with most of the scents you try.

Also-- don't believe everything your supplier tells you. Use the advice as a starting point and test it out for yourself. I would also google the IGI website and read up on your wax and the manufacturers recos for using it. Have fun and welcome to candlemaking!

Be warned-- candlemaking is an expensive hobby and you should be prepared spend a lot of time and money testing before you are ready to start selling.

Edited by Candybee
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I use 4630 and the only wick that worked out of the many many many I tried were the zinc wicks. I would suggest getting a couple sample packs of the different size zinc wicks so you can adjust up and down according to your formulation. If you aren't getting a good throw with this wax than it is either a problem with the wick size or the FO itself. This wax is awesome!!!

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Sorry ladies, I've been away for awhile and just check the forum. Thank you so much for your suggestions, especially Candybee and LeahRB. I'm going to get the 51z and try it. Also Leah the diamater of my jar is the 8oz jelly jars and I think it's about 21/2 inches across. Now that I'm back I can't wait to try all of ya'll suggestions! Thanks again for your time!!!:yay:

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