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Scent Throw for Soy Candle with Essential Oils

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Hi everyone,

I recently started making soy candles and I'm having trouble with scent throw, both hot and cold. I'm using the EcoSoya CB Advanced wax, with the CSN-26 wicks from Candle Science. I use 1 oz essential oil per pound of wax, and add the EO at 180 degrees. I'm pouring around 120 degrees. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving the scent throw? Thanks so much and take care!


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It's been a looooong time (we're talking years) since I have done an all soy candle, but I seem to remember pouring fragrance cooler than 180. I think I added fragrance at around 160 or so and then poured at 120-110F. At 1 oz per pound of wax, I would think the fragrance would blow the doors off of the place! EO's are pretty concentrated. Where did you get them from, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondering because some places like ebay have sellers that say they are selling pure EO's but they could be diluted.

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EOs are very iffy when it comes to getting a good scent throw in candles, especially soy candles. On top of that you are using CBA wax that was designed for its appearance rather than scent throw.

You don't mention what size container you are using. For example, I use a CSN 12 for a 3 1/4" container for my palm. The CSN wicks were specifically designed for use with container palm wax so they may not be the best choice for soy wax.

When I made containers using CBA I used the LX or CD series wicks. But I didn't like the CBA because of poor scent throw so I switched to CB135 and have used that ever since.

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Andi, there are many posts on this board about using EOs in soy candles, and the overwhelming response is that EOs don't throw well in soy.

I tried it myself and gave up as I wasn't satisfied with the hot throw.

Also, it's a very expensive way to go and you may end up pricing yourself out of the market if it's your intent to sell.

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Thank you both for getting back to me. My essential oils are coming from Bramble Berry and Wholesale Supplies Plus.

My containers are 6 oz, so 5.5. of wax. I bought the CSN's because I was trying to find something that would burn hot enough for beeswax. I ended up trying them in the soy and liked how they burn. They create a nice burn pool, don't mushroom and have a consistent flame.

I have not been able to find a CD wick that gives a decent burn pool for my 3" diameter jar. The CD20 was the largest I could find. Where are you getting your CD wicks from?

Maybe I will give the CB135 a try and see if that improves the scent. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Take care and have a great day!


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Thank you both for getting back to me. My essential oils are coming from Bramble Berry and Wholesale Supplies Plus.

My containers are 6 oz, so 5.5. of wax. I bought the CSN's because I was trying to find something that would burn hot enough for beeswax. I ended up trying them in the soy and liked how they burn. They create a nice burn pool, don't mushroom and have a consistent flame.

I have not been able to find a CD wick that gives a decent burn pool for my 3" diameter jar. The CD20 was the largest I could find. Where are you getting your CD wicks from?

Maybe I will give the CB135 a try and see if that improves the scent. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Take care and have a great day!


Andi.. I use CB135, and that's what I tested EOs in. Wasn't strong enough for me. Just my research, feel free to take it or leave it.:smiley2:

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Thanks so much for both of your replies and for letting me know about the scent throw with the CB 135. I know some one who makes soy candles with essential oils, and they have awesome throw both hot & cold. So I know it can be done, although it's very tricky to figure out the right formula. I sent an email to her to see if she could offer some tips. I'll let you know what I find out. Take care and have a great day!


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some people claim to use EO and use a combo of EO and FO. Not saying thats what the ones you tested and have smelled are... but I am saying it happens... I've extensively tested EO's in soy and my only "great" results were with lavender, and its so expensive it was never worth it to me. I have some laying around actually because I dont want to burn them, I'm saving them as gifts! lol.

Some tips... I add the EO much lower temp. I also use some coconut oil in my soy to aid in throw. I have found that some citrus gve a fuel smell. Orange, Lemon. Lime is decent, lemongrass is quite nice. But those need more than 1oz PP in my experience to create a nice lasting throw. Mints are also very nice.

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  • 4 weeks later...
EOs are very iffy when it comes to getting a good scent throw in candles, especially soy candles. On top of that you are using CBA wax that was designed for its appearance rather than scent throw.

You don't mention what size container you are using. For example, I use a CSN 12 for a 3 1/4" container for my palm. The CSN wicks were specifically designed for use with container palm wax so they may not be the best choice for soy wax.

When I made containers using CBA I used the LX or CD series wicks. But I didn't like the CBA because of poor scent throw so I switched to CB135 and have used that ever since.

Hi Candybee,

I'm about to buy CSN wicks for my soy and rapeseed wax isn't that a good choice of wick? What should I use? The ECO weren't all that neiter wer the LX ones

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I've only used the CSN wicks in my glass glow palm. These wicks were specifically designed for that wax. So I can't tell you if they work well in soy.

When I used soy I ended up making my own parasoy blend using zincs. I had some success with the LX and CDs in soy but as I mentioned I went on to making parasoy candles because I got the best of both waxes that way.

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Hi Thanks for your reply!

I ordered some wicks yesterdag and am curious about how thy work. i Have used many types of wick. Now Iam testing RRD's

I also have ordered rapeseedwax I am curious about that to. i think it's even greener coming from EU farmers rather then buy soywax from US. I hope I can work with it tho!

Like the hobby :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can email Candlewics. They make wicks. He is really good at sending you free samples and suggesting wicks for what you are using. I wait until the have a 50% sale and get a 1000 wicks for 26.00. They have those sales quit often and the wicks are awesome. I also noticed that companies add EOs to their FOs. Like CSs Lavender. I have heard that straight EOs are not strong. But I don't remember where I heard that. I like what she said, about them being for benefit instead of scent. That does make senses. Hope you figure this out. :confused:

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