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ISO a foot soak recipe...


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Hi! I did a forum search and found Shannon's foaming foot soak recipe but I want one that doesn't foam. I caught a reference in my search to a foot soak recipe by Bunny from the old board but I couldn't find that recipe. I just want a exfoliating salt soak, does anyone have a recipe they would be willing to share? TIA!! :cheesy2:

Edited by mzpickles
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Hi! I did a forum search and found Shannon's foaming foot soak recipe but I want one that doesn't foam. I caught a reference in my search to a foot soak recipe by Bunny from the old board but I couldn't find that recipe. I just want a exfoliating salt soak, does anyone have a recipe they would be willing to share? TIA!! :cheesy2:

I can't seem to wrap my head around "exfoliating salt soak". How do you exfoliate and soak at the same time?

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I can't seem to wrap my head around "exfoliating salt soak". How do you exfoliate and soak at the same time?

hehe. Sorry about that. What I was thinking was maybe an additon of some alpha-hydroxy acid, but maybe that's not possible. So scratch that idea, just a plain salt soak of some sort, I have bought ones in the past with salts that were scented with lemon, lavender or some sort of cooling mint. I have a few EO that I could use to scent them, I just need the basic recipe. Minus the foaming components which I'm guessing are baking soda and some sort of acid or base that would react with the baking soda. I have a chemistry background but I'm clueless when it comes to making up something like this. I even googled foot soak recipes but didn't find anything like the products I was thinking of. Am I making sense? :confused:

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I have one that I make up for a few spa clients in big ziplock bags. It does bubble a bit because of the slsa but you could leave that out. Its really basic, I use course pickling salt first, add the fo and colour if you like, mix that around well so the course salt is taking the moisture, I then add sea salt, mix that well by that time there isn't any moisture left. I then add about 1/4 cup cornstarch. Its a nice soak.

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I make a simple bath bomb recipe, but leave out the SLSA, so its just Baking soda, citric, corn starch, and sea salt. You could use Epsom, since its for feet.. and epsom is great for feet. Then, I scent with mint because its cooling and great for sore feet.

I also only use coconut oil in the foot ones, I skip the AKO and Cocoa butter because it really doesnt make all that much of a difference on the foot- especially if someone is just going to dry their feet off with a towel and then put on lotion or something. I had one little store carry a set for awhile, a soak, a scrub, and a lotion... they sold pretty well!

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I make a simple bath bomb recipe, but leave out the SLSA, so its just Baking soda, citric, corn starch, and sea salt. You could use Epsom, since its for feet.. and epsom is great for feet. Then, I scent with mint because its cooling and great for sore feet.

I also only use coconut oil in the foot ones, I skip the AKO and Cocoa butter because it really doesnt make all that much of a difference on the foot- especially if someone is just going to dry their feet off with a towel and then put on lotion or something. I had one little store carry a set for awhile, a soak, a scrub, and a lotion... they sold pretty well!

I'm such a newb at B&B that I don't even know what SLSA is! :confused:

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I've always just assumed the stuff they use at my local salon was regular bath salts. They put some in the water for soaking and then apply a little to each foot while massaging and exfoliating. Next time I'm in I'll have to ask what's on the ingredients list.

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