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Mystic Vale and Lemongrass


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This one was a new custom blend I made and the soap traced so fast I could barely get it in the mold. It has: Benzoin, Balsalm of Peru, Cinnamon, Bergamot, Rosewood and a few others I can't remember. I made it after Chelsea Market in New York City as I was in New York on holidays recently and loved that market. Here it is in the mold:


Here are the cut photos. I'm dying to try this one out to see what it's like:


Lemongrass in the mold, my sister had fun designing the top:


I'm hoping to unmold this after work.

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Thanks everyone.


I'm hand forming my balls. There is a soaper that makes perfect soap balls and I don't know how unless maybe she is using a mold to form them. It took me awhile to get them pretty even and my palms were quite sore. I can only make so many at a time and then I take a break and come back to it.

If I make this combo again I'll know what to expect as I had a really cool design idea with a three colour swirl and I just couldn't do what I wanted. Next time I'll just make a simple batch knowing I don't have much time to work with this scent. I'm not sure the scent is going to stick very well but I'll know more in 6 weeks. I used too much Bergamot I think which I know really fades in CP and I would up the Cinnamon. I had my mom and sister sniff as I was creating it and they would give me great feedback saying it was too heavy or needed a little of this and that.

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