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Candle and tart set

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The cheeseburger is the candle and consists of hamburger bun, lettuce,patty,cheese,onion slices, and tomatoes. The fries and onion rings are tarts, but most people order the set fragrance free. I think they buy them more for display than anything else. Shown on a full size Solo divided dinner plate for size prospective, but weighs 2 1/2 lbs. total. Sorry for the shine...it really isn't, but I didn't have too much time to take the picture.:tiptoe:


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Thank you, ladies, for your comments. I forgot to mention that I shrinkwrap the cheeseburger, fries, and onion rings separately, and pack them all in a padded, clear clamshell. I'd rather put them in a styrofoam clamshell(like you'd get at a restaurant), but they're bad for the environment and don't show off a candle well. The set in the picture is on it's way to Atlanta.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the options I currently have with this candle(and believe me...it took alot of testing!) is wicking so a perfect circle burns for inserting a tealight. However, since so many people don't want to burn these because they want to keep the candle intact, I'm working on making this a forever candle that when you're not burning a tealight, a hole bun piece fits in the top bun to cover a glass tealight holder. That way it always looks new and you always have a full candle. If I can do it, I'll post pictures to show you.

Edited by Bernadette
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